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Navigation principale
- About
- Admissions
- Graduate school
- Bachelor of Science
- Engineer programs
- FAQs
- Applied Mathematics and Statistics Program
- Transport, Mobility, Networks Program
- Biology and Health Program
- Chemistry Program
Computer Science Program
- Master Year 1 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)
- Master Year 2 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)
- Master Year 1 Computer Science for Networks
- Master Year 2 Quantum, Mathematics, Computer Science
- Master Year 1 Cyber-Physical Systems
- Master Year 1 Cybersecurity
- Master Year 1 Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Master Year 1 Foundations of Computer Science
- Master Year 1 Interaction, Graphics & Design
- Master Year 1 in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Master 1 Recherche Opérationnelle
- Master Year 2 Computer Science for Networks
- Master Year 2 Cyber-Physical Systems
- Master Year 2 Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Master Year 2 in Cybersecurity
- Master Year 2 Foundations of Computer Science
- Master Year 2 Interaction, Graphics & Design
- Master Year 2 in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Master 2 Recherche Opérationnelle
- Design Program
- Economics Program
Electrical Engineering Program
- Master Year 1 Electrical Engineering for Communications & Information Processing
- Master 2 Systèmes Embarqués et Traitement de l'Information
- Master 2 Traitement de l'Information et Exploitation des Données
- Master Year 2 Integration, Circuits and Systems
- Master Year 2 Machine Learning, Communications and Security
- Master Year 2 Multimedia Networking
- Master Year 2 Optical Networks and Photonic Systems
- Master 2 Systèmes Radio
- Master Year 2 Virtual & Augmented Reality
- Energy Program
- Innovation, Industry and Society Program
Mathematics and Applications Program
- Master 1 Mathématiques Appliquées
- Master 1 Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard
- Master 2 Analyse, Arithmétique, Géométrie
- Master 2 Analyse, Modélisation, Simulation
- Master 2 Mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant
- Master Year 2 Mathematics, Vision, Learning
- Master Year 2 Optimization
- Master Year 2 Mathematics of Randomness
- Mechanics Program
- Nuclear Engineering Program
Physics Program
- Master Year 1 High Energy Physics
- Master Year 1 Physics
- Master Year 2 International Centre for Fundamental Physics
- Master Year 2 High Energy Physics
- Master Year 2 Physics by Research
- Master Year 2 Large Facilities
- Master Year 2 Quantum, Light, Materials, and Nano Sciences
- Master Year 2 in Materials Science and Nano-Objects - Nanomat
- Master 2 Physique des Plasmas et de la Fusion
- Master Year 2 Quantum devices
- Sociology Program
- Masters of Science and Technology
- Advanced Master’s
- PhD track
PhD Programs
IP Paris Doctoral School
- Domaine Sciences humaines, Art, Lettres et Langues
- PhD in Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Phd in Biology
- PhD in Information, Communications and Electronics
- Sciences sociales et management
- Human sciences, arts, letters and languages
- PhD in Economics, Management and Social Sciences
- PhD in Physics
- PhD in Chemistry
- PhD in Engineering, Mechanics and Energy
- Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics
IP Paris Doctoral School
- Executive Education
- E-learning
- Find your program
- International
- Scholarships
- Research
Research Departments, Laboratories, Centers and Projects
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Department of Economics
- Department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Department of Information, Communication and Electronics
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Mechanics and Energetics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Social sciences and Management
- Department of Humanities, Art, Literature and Languages
- Laboratories
Disciplinary and interdisciplinary centers
- CIEDS - Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security
- CIMO - Centre Interdisciplinaire Mers et Océan
- E4C - Interdisciplinary Center on Energy and Climate Change
E4H - Interdisciplinary Center Engineering for Health
- BME Conference Fellowships
- BME Design Project
- BME International Experience Program
- BME Pedagogical Seed Grants
- BME Student Club of IP Paris
- Biomedical Engineer Master Open Day
- Biomedical Engineering Master's Program
- Biomedical Engineering Seed Grants
- E4H Year End Event
- From Research to Market : Discovering Innovation & Entrepreneurship in MedTech-BioTech
- Journée E4H - ISCardiovascParis
- Medical Fellows Program
Plateformes E4H
- CIMEX - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Électronique
- LivingLab E4H
- Plateforme Leducq - Microfluidique et Imagerie Haute Résolution
- EVIDENT - Espace de Vie Intelligent pour les personnes DépENdanTes
- Morphoscope - Microscopie photonique
- PlenImage - Microscopie/ tomographie multimodale
- Département de Recherche Préclinique du Groupe hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph
- Serge Schoen New Synergies Grant Program
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
- Hi! PARIS - Interdisciplinary center on AI & Data
- M4S - Interdisciplinary Center Materials for Society
- SPIRAL - Interdisciplinary Center Science, People, Imagination, Research, Art, all Linked!
- PLASMAScience
- European projects
- Academic and research Chairs
- Doing research at IP Paris
- Innovation
- Campus
- Access