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Accreditation to supervise research

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris gives researchers who hold PhDs the opportunity to prepare for their accreditation to supervise research (habilitation à diriger des recherches - HDR). Faculty members who are not accredited to supervise research but wish to supervise a thesis at the Institute may apply for an exemption.
Accreditation to supervise research

Obtain accreditation to supervise research 

To apply for accreditation to supervise research (habilitation à diriger des recherches - HDR), candidates must have obtained a PhD or provide proof of a degree, research or experience of an equivalent level (in particular a third-cycle doctorate or a doctorate in engineering, along with a minimum of five years in a full-time teaching and research position).

  • Candidates prepare an application for registration and send it to the HDR advisor
  • The application is reviewed by the HDR advisor
    • proposal of three reviewers (rapporteurs)
    • the application is approved by the president of the academic council and the president of IP Paris 
  • Candidates prepare an application for administrative registration and send it to the HDR office
  • The three reviewers (rapporteurs) are contacted by the HDR office
    • reports and defense authorization form are sent to the IP Paris teaching and research committee (CER)
  • Defense authorization approved by the CER
    • jury nominated by the president of IP Paris
  • Candidate is informed by the HDR office and defense statement (PV de soutenance) is sent
    • jury receives official invitation
  • Jury nominates a president and two defense reviewers (rapporteurs)
    • the president issues a report countersigned by the jury
  • Candidate submits statement (PV) and report to the HDR office
  • A certificate of achievement is issued
    • procedure to print an HDR degree is launched 

Download related documents (in French)

Apply for temporary HDR exemption 

In cases where it is justified, the doctoral schools allow faculty members who are not accredited to supervise research (HDR) to supervise or co-supervise doctoral students. Such exemptions are granted based on an opinion of the applicant's file issued by the Research Committee of the Academic Council of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, after an assessment by the HDR advisor and based on the recommendation of the management of the doctoral school in question.

These exemptions may only be authorized provided that the candidate demonstrates an ability to complete the HDR process within a maximum of three years (before the end of the thesis supervised under the exemption arrangements). An exemption application is only valid for a single doctoral student, and the exemption may only be granted once.

  • Application for exemption request is prepared and sent to the director of the Doctoral School
    •  See document: Required documents for HDR exemption
  • Application is reviewed by the director of the Doctoral School, who provides a reasoned proposal and sends the application to the HDR office
  • Application is filed by the HDR office
    • application is sent to HDR advisor
  • Application is reviewed by HDR advisor
    • application sent to the HDR office along with an opinion
  • Application is filed by HDR office
    • Application sent to the president of the Academic Council (CAC) along with an opinion
  • The Research Committee of the CAC issues a reasoned opinion and the president of IP Paris may give their consent
  • Exemption is sent to candidate by the HDR office

Download exemption documents (in French)

Apply for permanent HDR exemption            

In exceptional cases, primarily relating to faculty members or researchers who do not hold the rank of professor or the equivalent at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (for example a CNRS researcher or an assistant professor at Ecole Polytechnique) but who can claim supervision experience abroad (for example because their previous status allowed them to supervise doctoral students), the Institut Polytechnique de Paris may issue a permanent authorization to supervise doctoral students without HDR accreditation, pursuant to Article 16 of the Decree of 25 May 2016 concerning the national doctoral degree.

  • Application for exemption request is prepared and sent to the head of the IP Paris CER  
    • See document: required documents for permanent exemption
  • Application is reviewed by the head of the IP Paris CER, who provides a reasoned proposal and sends the application to the HDR office
  • Application is filed by the HDR office
    • application is sent to HDR advisor
  • Application is reviewed by HDR advisor
    • application is sent to the HDR office along with an opinion
  • Application is filed by HDR office
    • application is sent to the Academic Council (CAC) along with an opinion
  • Exemption approved by the CAC and the president of IP Paris gives their consent
  • Permanent exemption is sent to candidate by the HDR office

Download documents for permanent HDR exemption (in French)

Next Meetings of the Academic Council

Applications must be submitted 1 week prior to the Commission meeting date to be reviewed. Eg. if the Commission is on a Friday, all files must be submitted to the ED before the prior Thursday of the previous week at 6pm.