Research Departments, Laboratories, Centers and Projects

Academic and research departments
IP Paris departments bring together the researchers and research lecturers from its six Schools by discipline. They collectively define the content of the academic programs and also the collaborative research projects undertaken within IP Paris. The departments strengthen the human and financial resource requirements in line with the objectives of IP Paris and its six Schools.
Research laboratories
Boasting 45 laboratories on its campus, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris conducts major, state-of-the-art projects through the expertise of its research teams and the use of cutting-edge equipment. Its research is conducted in partnership with a number of key supervising bodies and partners, prominent among which is the CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research.
Disciplinary and interdisciplinary centers
The disciplinary and interdisciplinary centers of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris combine the expertise of the scientists and partners to address major societal problems through the complementary viewpoints and methodologies of each discipline. By combining their views, know-how and methods in a spirit of openness, the researchers thus provide original and innovative solutions to the major challenges of our century.
European projects
IP Paris scientists are involved in major EU-funded projects on themes covered by the Horizon Europe program
Academic and research Chairs
Academic teaching and research programs, funded in the form of Chairs or corporate sponsorship, are conducted in the Schools through the support of private companies. These programs enable the Schools to support innovative research projects and the training of future talent, as well as contributing to the scientific reputation of IP Paris and the development of international collaborations.