Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis


Our Alumni communities

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris alumni network draws on those of Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. Building on the wide range of prestigious careers pursued by their graduates, our Schools have formed strong relationships with private and public players around the world. Graduates of Master's and PhD programs at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris contribute to this talented pool of alumni from the five founding schools.

Learn more about Alumni from our schools:


Chair "Complex Systems Architecture"

Defense and security challenges The increasing complexity of industrial and operational systems (including the interconnection of hardware and software, and the networking of organizations) requires a holistic approach, involving mastery of the concepts...
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ERC OCEAN - On IntelligenCE And Networks

About OCEAN is an ERC Synergy grant gathering researchers from diverse backgrounds to provide the foundation for the next generation of machine learning algorithms, where multiple agents engage over a network, operate over lengthy stretches of time in a...
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Fourteen IP Paris startups in the Next 40 2024

The Next 40 2024 index unveiled on May 22, at the opening of the VivaTech trade show, bears witness to the dynamism of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris ecosystem. Fourteen of the startups listed were incubated in one of the three IP Paris incubators or...
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"Impact Native": when sustainability is at the heart of entrepreneurship

If social and environmental impact is becoming key for all companies, how can we analyse the specific case of young innovative startups, for whom impact is still only an ambition? A study conducted by researchers in Management Sciences at the École...
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Bruno Cattan appointed Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at IP Paris

Bruno Cattan was appointed Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Institut Polytechnique de Paris on May 1, 2024. He holds the same position at École Polytechnique, one of the Institute's five founding schools. His mission, at IP Paris level, is...
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IP Paris Shows Up Strong at VivaTech

VivaTechnology, Europe's largest innovation and technology expo, will open its doors from May 22nd to May 25th in Paris. Twenty-eight startups from Institut Polytechnique de Paris will be showcasing their innovations at booth C44, attracting investors...
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Sixteen IP Paris startups at Spring 2024

16 startups from Institut Polytechnique de Paris will be present for the 2024 edition of Paris-Saclay SPRING, the innovation and entrepreneurship show held on May 16 and 17 on the campus of HEC. An opportunity for entrepreneurs to present their projects...
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Drones in the Service of Health Logistics

Conducted among Danish citizens, a study led by a team of researchers based in Denmark, Canada, and France, within the Technology for Change Research Chair at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, explores whether citizens will resist the use of drones...
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Rencontres Technology for Change | 2024

The Rencontres Technology for Change, organised by the Technology for Change Research Chair, are back this year for their 3rd edition, which will take place from 26 to 28 March in Paris and on the IP Paris campus.
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ERC SINGER - Stochastic dynamics of sINgle cells : Growth, Emergence and Resistance

Themes Applied Mathematics Stochastic Processes Bacterial Evolution Modeling in Hematology Biology Research Medical About The ERC SINGER project aims to introduce new stochastic and deterministic models for biological and medical applications. This is an...
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IP Paris organizes its first Demo Day

On February 8, 2024, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) will be presenting around 40 startups from its 3 incubators (Drahi-X Novation Center in Palaiseau, Incubateur Télécom Paris in Paris and IMT Starter in Évry) at its first Demo Day at Station...
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Equal Opportunity Center

The mission of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Equal Opportunity Center is to carry out IP Paris's equal opportunity strategy and implement an ambitious policy, in line with the commitments made in its 2022-2026 Contract of Objectives and Performance and the equal opportunity initiatives already undertaken by its member schools.
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