Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Master Year 2 Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics & Biophysics (BME)

Year Master Year 2 Program Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics & Biophysics (BME) ECTS Credits 60 Language English Orientation Research or Industrial R&D Location Palaiseau Campus Clinicians track : Palaiseau Campus, Université de Paris (UFR de médecine)...
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Main takeaways of the REFLEXIONS Conference 2023

The REFLEXIONS Conference 2023 was organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris on June 9, 2023. This year, the conference delved deep into a pressing global concern: regulation to fight climate change. The report highlighting the main takeaways of the...
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris brochures

Welcome booklet Master and PhD Track - IP Paris Welcome booklet PhD students - IP Paris The student-entrepreneur guide Engineering Programs Master, PhD & Engineering Programs Objectives and Performance Contract 2022-2026 Annual Reports - IP Paris...
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Biomedical Engineering Master Open Day

Discover for half a day our Master's programme in BioMedical Engineering (BME) and the campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
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IP Paris wins the "ExcellenceS" call for projects

Institut Polytechnique de Paris with its STeP2 project is one of the winner of the call for projects "ExcellenceS in all its forms" (second wave) launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
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A Winter School on Microarchitectural Security: a complex and transdisciplinary emerging subject

The first Winter School on Microarchitectural Security organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) will take place from December 5 to 9, 2022 at FIAP Paris. In an interview, Maria Mushtaq and Ulrich Kühne, researchers at Télécom Paris and in...
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QS ranks IP Paris in the Top 30 worldwide for the study of 4 subjects

For its first ranking in the QS World University Rankings by Subjects 2022, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is positioned among the world's top universities in 8 subjects. IP Paris joins the Top 30 in Mathematics, Engineering & Technology...
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IP Paris ranks 6th in the THE Young University Rankings 2022

For its first entry, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) ranks 6th in the 2022 Times Higher Education Young University Rankings that list the world’s best institutions which are 50 years old or younger.
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IP Paris, 1st in France and 43rd world in the THE most international universities ranking 2022

For its first participation, Institut Polytechnique de Paris has made a strong entry, up to the 43rd place in the Times Higher Education (THE) world’s most international universities ranking 2022 . The first and only French institution in the Top 50...
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IP Paris in the Top 50 best universities worldwide for its first ranking QS World University Ranking

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) enters the Top 50 in its first ranking of QS’ World University Rankings 2022, in 49th position. IP Paris is ranked 15th worldwide in terms of employer reputation of its graduates.
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PhD track in Physics

Program PhD track in Physics ECTS Credits 120 (first two years) Language English Orientation Research Location Palaiseau Campus and partner institutions Course duration two years (coursework period), followed by a three-year dissertation phase Course...
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