Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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IP³ university innovation cluster

The IP³ (Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Partners) University Innovation Cluster is supported by four founding members (IP Paris, CNRS, SATT Paris-Saclay and Inria) and five local partners (Pôles Systematic Paris-Région, Cap Digital, and Medicen Paris-Région, as well as EPA Paris-Saclay and Région Île-de-France).
IP³ university innovation cluster

Benefiting from existing collaboration between its founding members, internationally-recognized academic excellence, powerful networks of entrepreneurs and investors, strong links with industry, and significant resources for commercialization and entrepreneurial support, IP³ PUI (French abbreviation for University Innovation Cluster) has set itself two strategic priorities: to increase the flow of technological innovations from its 32 laboratories and their transfer to industry, and to double the number of Deeptech start-ups spun out of research.

The creation of IP³ is fully in line with the strategy of the France 2030 plan and the trajectory of the IP Paris COP 2022-2026. The project is structured around 4 operational goals: : 

  • raise awareness among students, PhD students and researchers of the challenges of Deeptech entrepreneurship by setting up new educational-action programs;

  • develop a 360° vision of the site's innovation potential and activity through the implementation of shared tools;

  • accelerate technology transfer to the business world and the creation of Deeptech start-ups by setting up a Deeptech innovation detection and support unit;

  • raise the profile of the PUI by promoting its innovations, support systems and innovation and research park.

The selection of the IP³ project is an acknowledgement of the role played by IP Paris and its partners in nurturing and energizing the innovation ecosystem in the Paris-Saclay region, but also more broadly it is a recognition of its potential as a Deeptech breeding ground on a national scale. The funding obtained will help to meet the challenges set by its founders to mobilize and guide their talents towards Deeptech entrepreneurship, to bring more and more innovations out of their laboratories and to bring them to fruition through increased technology transfer.