Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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PhD in Chemistry

The Chemistry department explores various areas of modern chemistry that can be approached on a fundamental level or closely linked to practical applications, potentially in direct collaboration with industrial companies or startups.
PhD in Chemistry

How can chemical sciences address major societal challenges, such as health and bioengineering, the environment with clean, safe, and efficient energies, and the development of quantum technologies and materials that are frugal, sustainable, and innovative? Chemistry is a natural science. From the atom on a microscopic scale, and as they come together and organize to form minerals, living matter, chemistry describes the fundamental interactions between elements. Chemistry is a science of balances, where reaction time, kinetics, is an essential component. Fundamentally empirical, ideal laws confront the reality of measurement and experience. Despite suffering from a degraded reputation due to the excesses of our society, chemistry reinvents itself and emerges as a leading force in necessary advancements in health, the environment, and energy transition. Because chemistry transforms matter, including pollutants and living organisms, stores energy, and influences the life cycle of elements: everything is chemistry.

In addition to the academic excellence of the hosting laboratories, doctoral students benefit from cutting-edge infrastructure and platforms to support their work. Interdisciplinarity, at the core of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, is also a major asset in their success, as chemistry is closely linked with other disciplines such as biology, physics, optics, mechanics, computer science, and applied mathematics.

•    Chemistry
•    Materials sciences
•    Environmental chemistry
•    Energy
•    Chemical engineering