Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Academic Council

The Academic Council plays an advisory role to the Administration Board for topics related to education and research, in particular educational programs, scientific policy and promotion of research outcomes. It can also make proposals on all subjects related to IP Paris academic activities.
Academic Council


  • Mr Fausto Sirotti - CNRS

Schools’ Representatives

  • Mr Lucas Gerin – École Polytechnique 
  • Mr Fabien Szmytka - ENSTA 
  • Mr Nicolas  Chopin - ENSAE 
  • Mr Laurent Pautet - Télécom Paris 
  • Ms Catherine Lepers - Télécom SudParis 

Members appointed by the Executive Committee

  • Ms Sabine Petit - CNRS 
  • Mr François Daviaud - CEA 
  • Ms Laurence Parmentier - INSERM 
  • Mr Laurent Jacquin - ONERA 
  • Ms Véronique Aubin - UPSaclay, CentraleSupélec 
  • Ms Caterina Riconda - Sorbonne Université 
  • Mr Alexandre de Brevern - Université Paris Cité 
  • Mr Jean-Jacques Greffet - IOGS 
  • Ms Sandrine Charousset - EDF 
  • Mr Xavier Morise - TotalEnergies 
  • Mr Daniel Dolfi - Thales
  • Mr. Steve Oudot - INRIA 

Staff and users’ representatives

Faculty members’ representatives:

  • Ms Elsa Angelini - TP 
  • Mr Eric Godelier - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Valérie Fernandez - TP 
  • Mr Marios Petropoulos - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Anna Polesskaya - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Solveig Serre - École Polytechnique 
  • Mr Georges Decocq - École Polytechnique 

Representatives of other research staff: 

  • Mr Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto - ENSTA 
  • Mr Sorin-Mihaï Grad - École Polytechnique 
  • Mr Aurélien Houard - ENSTA 

Representatives of research staff based in the laboratories of Institut polytechnique de Paris or in the founding schools and for whom they are not the employer:

  • Mr Hervé Henry - CNRS 
  • Ms Ioana Manolescu - INRIA 
  • Mr Jean-François Mercier - CNRS 
  • Ms Paola Tubaro - CNR

Other staff categories’ representatives from Institut polytechnique de Paris and the founding schools: 

Users' representatives

  • Ms Sandrine Tusseau-Nenez - École Polytechnique 
  • Mr Sébastien Maron - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Edith Nicol - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Lucas Baudin – ENSAE 

Representatives of students from the school’s engineer’s programs:

  • Mr Axel-Ugo Leriche - École Polytechnique 
  • Ms Isaure Pillet - ENSAE 
  • M. Nicolas Besson - TP 
  • Mr Paul-Antoine Baury - ENSTA 

Representatives of PhD students:

  • Ms Elise Muller - IP Paris 
  • Mr Yassine Mimoh - IP Paris


Board members of Conseil Académique IP Paris 

  • Ms Elsa Angelini (Telecom Paris) Vice-president Research Commission
  • Ms Sandrine Tusseau – Nenez (X) Vice-president Equality Commission
  • Mr Lucas Baudin (ENSAE) Vice-president Training and Student Life Commission
  • Ms. Caterina  Riconda (Sorbonne Université) Appointed member
  • Ms Valérie Fernandez (Telecom Paris) Appointed
  • Mr Eric Godelier (X) Appointed
  • Mr Aurélien Houard (X) Appointed
  • Mr Lucas Baudin Appointed
  • Ms Isaure Pillet (engineering cycle - ENSAE)
  • Ms Elise Muller (doctoral student)

Research Commitee

  • Ms Elsa Angelini (HDR) – Vice-President in charge of the Research Commission
  • Mr Alexandre De Brevern (HDR) Evaluation Biology and Chemistry
  • Ms Anna Polesskaya (HDR), HDR Evaluation Biology
  • Ms Sabine Petit (HDR) Evaluation Chemistry and Processes 
  • Mr Eric Godelier (HDR), Evaluation Economics and Social Sciences and Management 
  • Ms Catherine Lepers (HDR) Information, Communication and Electronics Assessment
  • Ms Ioana Manolescu (HDR) Evaluation Computing, Data, and AI
  • Mr Lucas Gerin (X) (HDR) Evaluation Mathematics
  • Mr Fabien Szmytka Mechanical and Energy Evaluation 
  • Mr Mercier (HDR) Mechanical and Energy Evaluation 
  • Mr Aurélien Houard (HDR) Physical assessment
  • Ms Solveig Serre (HDR, X) Evaluation Humanities Arts, letters and languages
  • Ms Valérie Fernandez (HDR), Social Sciences and Management
  • Mr Fausto Sirotti (HDR) Evaluation Physics and Chemistry
  • Mr Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto

Training and Student Life Commission

  • Mr Lucas Baudin (ENSAE) Vice-President in charge of the Training and Student Life Commission
  • Ms Elsa Angelini (Telecom Paris)
  • Ms Hervé Henry (X)
  • Ms Isaure Pillet (ENSAE)
  • Mr Sébastien Maron (X)
  • Ms Elise Muller (X)
  • Mr Nicolas Besson (TP)
  • Ms Edith Nicol (X)
  • Mr Aurelien Houard
  • Mr Axel Leriche

Equal Opportunity, Parity and Diversity Commission

  • Ms Sandrine Tusseau - Nenez Vice-President in charge of the Equal Opportunities, Parity and Diversity Commission
  • Ms Elsa Angelini (Telecom Paris)
  • Ms Valérie Fernandez (Telecom Paris)
  • Ms Isaure Pillet (Ensae)
  • Mr Hervé Henry (X)
  • Mr Yassine Mimoh (X)
  • Mr Nicolas Besson
  • Mr Catherine Lepers (TSP)
  • Mr Sébastien Maron (X)
  • Ms Edith Nicol (X)
  • Mr Axel Leriche
