Engineer programs

The distinctive French Ingénieur program
Earn a Graduate Engineering Degree from a French top-ranked School of Science and Engineering
Features of the French Ingénieur Program:
- Grants graduates the “Titre d’Ingénieur” (Master of Science in Engineering) and confers the European degree of Master recognized worldwide
- Highly selective admissions
- Elite education
- Exciting and successful careers
- A multidisciplinary program offering:
- Fundamental Sciences: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
- Engineering Sciences
- Economics
- Quantitative Social Sciences
- Business, Management and Innovation
- Humanities (Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics)
- Internationalization Skills (Foreign Languages, Cross-cultural Management, Geopolitics)
- Soft Skills (communication, critical thinking) and global perspectives
- Strong ties to companies (education, research, management)
- Rich opportunities for internships, mandatory in the curriculum
- Access to research laboratories associated with Doctoral Schools
- Opportunities to pursue a PhD after graduation
Why choose the IP Paris graduate engineering program?
IP Paris will enable you to:
- Reap the benefits of France’s most elite education in Engineering
- Customize your program of study
- Establish ties with major international companies (internships, chairs, joint-labs, sponsorship opportunities, coaching, guest lecturers)
- Take advantage of high quality campus infrastructures for study, sports and leisure
- Become a PhD candidate upon graduation, especially in one of the 32 IP Paris Laboratories
- Rapidly integrate the workplace, 95% of graduates are hired within 4 months
- Qualify for high-level professional positions
- Earn a top entry salary
- Be the high profile candidate for international companies, SMEs, start-ups
- Have career opportunities in a wide range of sectors, including IT, deep-tech, finance, energy, environment, transport, cybersecurity, nanotechnologies, AI, data science, robotics
- Join the forces of a strategic alumni network including the CEOs of major international companies, entrepreneurs and renowned researchers
International admissions
IP Paris organizes four different international admissions processes for entrance to the five member engineering schools:
Double-degree programs:
ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, Telecom Paris and Telecom SudParis recruit students through their double-degree programs. If you are enrolled in a double-degree program at an institution which has an agreement with one of these four schools, please contact your international relations office to find out if you qualify and how to apply. More details here.
Concours (CCMP) :
The CCMP entrance exam concerns French-speaking students from scientific preparatory programs (classes préparatoires) to enter French-speaking "Grandes Ecoles". More details here.
Concours (FUI-FF) :
The FUI - FF entrance exam concerns French-speaking students of foreign nationality who have completed scientific preparatory programs (classes préparatoires) in French-speaking countries. More details here.
General admission (FUI)
Registration for general admission exam is open to students who do not correspond to any of the above three categories and who comply the following conditions.
- Applicants must have completed at least 2 years of undergraduate studies in Science, Engineering or Quantitative Economics & Finance.
- An excellent background in Mathematics and/or Physics is essential for successful admission.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a foreign (non-French) undergraduate program in a higher education institution outside France.
- Applicants may apply from their 2nd year of undergraduate studies (Bachelor's degree) at their home university.
- Applications from candidates currently or previously enrolled in the following programs are NOT ELIGIBLE to sit the IP Paris International Admissions Exam:
- The final year of a Master's program
- A PhD program,
- Special preparatory program (Classes préparatoires) for entrance to French engineering schools (Grandes Ecoles),
- Programs offered by a higher education institution in France.
To apply, no knowledge of French is required. The full application process as well as all the entrance examinations can be sat either in English or in French.
Donwload the appllication guide here.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris International Admissions Exam Information webinars:
2024 Webinar Replays
- Brazil - May 28 (general information) - click here
- Brazil - July 3 (with students and alumni) - click here
2023 Webinar Replays:
- Central Asia, June 22 - click here
- Middle East, July 6 - click here
2022 Webinar Replays:
- Brazil - Webinar July 11, 2022 Replay (general information); Webinar July 12, 2022 replay (with students and alumni)
2021 Webinar Replays:
- March 2024: Start of online applications
- September 1, 2024: Deadline to submit the application
- September 7, 2024: Deadline to submit all the documents
- Early October 2024: Eligibility results
- October 10 to 25, 2024: Online publication of all officiel notifications
- October 21 to November 10, 2024: Oral exams by videoconference
- November 8 to 10, 2024: Online declaration of an ordered wish-list of Schools
- Late November 2024: Final acceptance from one school
- September 2025: Term begins
Please note that, depending on your academic background you will be admitted either in the 1st year (final year of undergraduate studies) or 2nd year (Master 1) of the curriculum.
Specific additional requirements for École Polytechnique program:
- Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at their home university and must not have started a Master's program, even in another discipline;
- Applicants must be under 25 years of age on January 1st, 2024;
- French citizens are not eligible including those with dual nationality. Those students must apply through the French university Track;
- Applicants cannot apply more than once;
- Applicants must meet the medically defined criteria of physical fitness.
Additional requirements for Telecom SudParis:
- Applicants must be enrolled in their fourth year of higher education at their home university (Master's degree, fourth year of a four-year Bachelor's degree);
- Applicants must have completed their fourth year of higher education at their home university in order to be considered for admission (Master's degree, fourth year of a four-year Bachelor's degree);
- Applicants must be under 27 years of age on January 1, 2023;
- French applicants are not eligible. French students must apply via the admission on title ;
- Candidates must have a minimum level of B2 in French or English (official reports of the results of the language tests mentioned in the application must be submitted at the time of application).
Initial selection
The initial selection is primarily based on the applicants’ academic background, statement of purpose and reference letters.
- Register online here
- Create your candidate account
- Fill in the application (you can come back at any point)
- Only one application per program is allowed each academic year
- You may only apply through one of the application paths
- Upload your documents
- Submit your application before the deadline. No changes will be allowed after submission of your application.
Mandatory documents
- Statement of Purpose (VERY IMPORTANT! This statement should include information about the candidate’s interest in attending one or more of the five different engineering schools participating in the IP Paris international admissions exam)
- CV
- List of courses
- Official academic transcripts of all university studies
- Official university ranking certificates
- Application form for international admission (official statement)
- Official proof of citizenship: copy of passport or ID
- Photo
- Financial resources form
- Reference letters: name, title and e-mail address of at least 2 professors or academic advisors
Optional documents
- Official certificates of degrees indicated in the application
- Certificates of honors and prizes indicated in the application
- Official score reports for language tests indicated in the application
There are 3 oral examinations: Maths, Physics, General Scientific Knowledge and a Motivation Interview. Oral exams can be taken in French or in English. When possible, all the oral exams will be scheduled on the same day for each candidate.
- The oral exams in Maths, Physics and General Scientific Knowledge are designed to measure the candidate’s skills and knowledge required to successfully complete the engineering programs offered at the five IP Paris member schools.
- Each of the IP Paris schools weigh the exam results differently to grant admission.
- The General Scientific Knowledge oral exam is an interview during which candidates analyze scientific documents. Candidates have 30 minutes to prepare the interview with the documents. Please note that documents for general scientific knowledge are not restricted to Mathematics and Physics.
- The Motivation Interview is a guided conversation designed to best understand the candidate’s motivation to apply for the desired engineering program.
Test/Evaluation | Duration | Ecole Polytechnique (coefficients) | ENSTA Paris | ENSAE Paris | Telecom Paris | Telecom SudParis (coefficients) | |
Application File | Evaluation of academic excellence | X | X | X | X | X | |
Oral Exam | Mathematics | 55 min | 6 | X | X | X | 6 |
Oral Exam | Physics | 55 min | 4 | X | X | 2 | |
Oral Exam | General Scientific Knowledge | 30 min prep + 30 min exam | 1 | X | X | X | 2 |
Interview | Motivation | 20 min | 1 | X | X | X | 2 |
Learn more about IP Paris member institutions

École Polytechnique offers a 3-year Engineer Degree Program, which is completed by one-year specialization. Students spend the first three years studying for a Master of Engineering, Science and Technology, and complete this degree with a fourth year of specialization to receive a second master degree and the Diploma of École polytechnique. École Polytechnique ensures that students graduate with both an excellent scientific education and a strong multidisciplinary background. The curriculum focuses mainly on science, with classes in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Computer Science, Mechanics, but also includes a variety of other subjects like Foreign Languages, Sports, Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts and Literature.
Founded in 1741, ENSTA Paris is the oldest and one of the most renowned Graduate Schools of Engineering in France, specialized in Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Information and Communication Science & Technology, leading to careers in Transportation, Energy, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Mathematics among others.
ENSTA Paris Ingénieur program offers students a multidisciplinary education in Engineering by providing high-level scientific courses, up-to-date with the latest changes in cutting-edge technologies, combined with close links with world-leading companies, and transversal skills such as Economics, Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
ENSAE Paris offers a three-year Program. ENSAE graduates are trained to harness the potential of the massive and complex data available to firms and public institutions, and interpret them “smartly” for evaluation, prediction and decision-making. ENSAE’s core courses consist of a special blend of Economics, Statistics, Econometrics and Machine learning, all taught with strong mathematical foundations and coupled with the ability to apply the methods to real-life topics. This unique core curriculum, complemented with advanced specialization tracks in Economics, Statistical Learning, Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science, is ENSAE’s take on “Data Science”. A small institution, ENSAE prides itself in “knowing students by their first names”, accompanying them in their project, offering challenging courses taught by its internationally recognized faculty, and leading to high-paid career paths.
Télécom Paris is the French leading school in digital technology with its strong links with companies, ensuring excellent employability rates in all sectors and is ranked number one among major engineering schools for digital technology. Offering excellence in teaching and innovative educational methods, Télécom Paris is at the forefront of a unique innovation ecosystem founded on cross-disciplinary and interactive training, interdisciplinary research, incubators and accelerators for start-ups, and several campuses (Paris, Sophia Antipolis, Shanghai). The school’s laboratories have been recognized as leading forces in the fields of digital science, with remarkable international standing, impressive business volumes with the socioeconomic and corporate worlds, and a strong commitment to training.
Télécom SudParis trains tomorrow’s elite engineers and managers in the field of digital sciences and technology, providing educational opportunities to women and men of all origins to become builders of the digital society. Its programs are grounded in the excellence of its high-level research, a pillar for innovation needed to meet the world’s social and economic challenges. Graduates acquire in-depth knowledge in science and technology coupled with training in project-management, entrepreneurship and internationalization skills. The first of the three-year program covers six fundamental domains: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Communications, Networks and Image Processing. Students then specialize their knowledge over the next two years leading to the Master’s Degree in Engineering. Data Science, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, High-Speed Networks, Industry 4.0, Finance, E-Health are some of the many possible majors. See the complete Télécom SudParis brochure.