Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

POLYGRAM - The podcast of IP Paris

On the podcast of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, POLYGRAM, we listen to stories of science and technology to discuss the discoveries and societal challenges of today and tomorrow.
POLYGRAM - The podcast of IP Paris

With the expertise of its six member schools: École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENPC, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis, the POLYGRAM podcast presents interviews, conversations, testimonies, conferences with our researchers, students, teachers, entrepreneurs, alumni and private and public partners. Our podcasts are available in English and French on the main podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, Deezer, Google etc.)

Series 1 - Sustainable Development Goals of Institut Polytechnique de Paris

How can we reduce inequalities, fight hunger, consume and produce responsibly or achieve gender equality?  In this series of podcasts you will discover the research and innovative initiatives of researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs and students of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, united around the 17 sustainable development goals set by the UN.

The POLYGRAM podcast is hosted by journalists from Saaoti under the direction of Christine Nayagam (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Graphic identity : Gabrielle Gersant (Art Direction) and Chandrew Camalacannane