Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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The student community at a glance

  • 8400 students
  • 1650 Master students
  • 95% of students are employed within 4 months of graduation
  • 41% of international students
  • 15 Master programs


Every year, thousands of students enroll in training programs at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris: why not you? IP Paris offers a wide range of programs, from Bachelor's degrees to PhDs, as well as Master's degrees and PhD tracks. Join a vibrant community in a flourishing study and research environment.

International students and candidates

Everything you need to know about studying at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris


Click here to access the Student Welcome Booklet for Master and PhD Track.


Application sessions

1st session : From November 7th, 2023 to February 1st, 2024

2nd session : From February 2nd, 2024 to April 18th, 2024

3rd session* : From April 19th, 2024 to May 30th, 2024

* Please note that the following programs will not be open in the 3rd session:
M1 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M1 MATHAPP - Mathématiques Appliquées
M1 MiE - Master in Economics
M2 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M2 MiE - Master in Economics

For the academic year 2024/2025, the application session for the PhD Track program is from Thursday 5th of October 2023 until Tuesday 12th of January, 2024.

For more information about application procedures, visit the Admissions page by clicking here.

Student life and well-being


New statutes for IP Paris and integration of Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées

Institut Polytechnique de Paris has adopted a new governance structure, designed to serve its scientific and international ambitions, and integrates a sixth member school, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC). This institutional organization...
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IP Paris receives two QS Awards: Employability and Global Engagement Champions

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) was awarded both the QS Employability Champions Recognition Award and the QS Award for Excellence in Global Engagement at the recent QS Higher Ed Summit Europe held in Barcelona from July 10th to 12th. The...
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris joins the Udice Group universities

On June 19, Institut Polytechnique de Paris joined the Udice alliance, which promotes French higher education and research establishments in all their missions at national, European, and international levels. Its participation strengthens the association...
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Optimizing prostheses for disabled long jumpers

Passionate about sport and physics, Elodie Doyen devoted her thesis at the Institut des sciences de la mécanique et applications industrielles (IMSIA*) to improving tibial prostheses for Paralympic long-jump athletes. Here's a look back at the work and...
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QS WUR 2025: IP Paris Ranked Among the Top 50 Universities Worldwide

IP Paris holds the 46th position in the QS World University Rankings (WUR) 2025 listing the best universities in the world. IP Paris maintains the 10th spot globally in terms of the reputation of its graduates among employers and climbs to 31st place for...
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Industrial Partnerships Play a Key Role at Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security

The Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études pour la Défense et la Sécurité Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security) at IP Paris will be holding its CIEDS Operation Day on July 4, bringing together researchers, students, companies and personnel from...
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Chair "Complex Systems Architecture"

Defense and security challenges The increasing complexity of industrial and operational systems (including the interconnection of hardware and software, and the networking of organizations) requires a holistic approach, involving mastery of the concepts...
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ERC OCEAN - On IntelligenCE And Networks

About OCEAN is an ERC Synergy grant gathering researchers from diverse backgrounds to provide the foundation for the next generation of machine learning algorithms, where multiple agents engage over a network, operate over lengthy stretches of time in a...
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Biomedical Engineering Master Open Day

Discover for half a day our Master's program in BioMedical Engineering (BME) and the campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
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Consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris wins a €70million call for AI Cluster projects

The consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris, and including Inria, CNRS, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Université de Technologie de Troyes, won the AI Cluster call for projects. Based on the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial...
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