Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Gender Equality Plan

Professional equality between women and men is a priority for IP Paris which, while relying on the guidelines of European and French HR policies in the field of research, adapts its commitment to the needs and context of the institute: In this context, Institut Polytechnique de Paris has elaborated a Gender Equality Plan (GEP).
Gender Equality Plan

Professional equality between women and men is a priority for IP Paris which, while relying on the guidelines of European and French HR policies in the field of research, adapts its commitment to the needs and context of the institute:

  • 24% of faculties are women (figures of December 31rt 2021 ; the target is 40% by 2026)
  • 35% of women are in governance bodies (the target is to have over 40% by 2026)
  • 20% of department heads are women

IP Paris has thus equipped itself with dedicated resources and expertise in gender equality to implement an action plan based on internal discussions and an analysis of the existing situation and needs. The implementation and monitoring of these actions are steered by IP Paris' "gender equality" managers. Two "gender equality" referents have been appointed: one for the staff and one for the students. The latter will ensure that all IP Paris staff members are actively involved in the actions of the gender equality plan.

As the causes of gender inequality are multifactorial, IP Paris is committed to providing multiple solutions through clear and measurable objectives structured around 4 fundamental principles

  • Guarantee equal access to different positions, training and career development, particularly for managerial positions;
  • Preventing the risk of discrimination in recruitment and providing solutions to pay gaps;
  • Encourage and promote the reconciliation of personal and professional life, while raising awareness among managers of issues relating to this balance;
  • Fighting against harassment and all forms of sexist behaviour, gender-based and/or sexual violence.