Human sciences, arts, letters and languages

How do creations and innovations emerge? In what spaces and what temporalities do they circulate? It is not uncommon for scientific and technological practices to generate specific cultural times and spaces. This observation calls for analyzing with historical depth the rhythms of the present, the way in which social time and technological time interact. What are, for example, the links between the phenomena of “acceleration” and modernity, from the discovery of the principle of inertia to the computerization of financial tools? What are the political problems posed by this condensation of time? What are the new physiognomies of the social bond in a reality that shakes up the classic representations of borders, between disciplines as well as between sciences and societies?
The social issues of science and technology are more often transversal issues than they are the subject of a well-defined discipline. The very lively debates that innovation, ethics, environmental issues or the risks of armed conflicts give rise to today clearly demonstrate the limits of the disciplinary model which has structured the organization of knowledge in the 20th century. In order to meet the challenge posed by the design of new configurations of knowledge commensurate with these challenges, the doctorate in human sciences at IPParis promotes multidisciplinary approaches coming from fields as different as science and technology, contemporary democracy, the worlds of literary representations and art, international relations etc.
- Sciences and techniques in societies: history of science and technology, epistemology, arts and sciences
- Political rationalities: philosophy, contemporary history, political science, international relations
- Data in societies: strategy and research on armed conflicts; digital humanities
LinX : laboratoire interdisciplinaire de l’X en sciences humaines et sociales
Ecole polytechnique