Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee prepares the strategic decisions and ensures the implementation of the orientations and objectives defined by the Administrative Board within Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Thierry Coulhon, Chairman of the Management Board and Acting President of the Administration Board of Institut Polytechnique de Paris 

Laura Chaubard, Director General of Ecole Polytechnique, Acting President of Ecole Polytechnique, President of IP Paris Campus Life Committee

Elisabeth Crépon, Director general of ENSTA Paris, President of IP Paris International Committee

Catherine Gaudy, Director general of Genes, President of IP Paris Student Life Committee

Anthony Briant, Director of École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC)

Nicolas Glady, Director of Télécom Paris, President of IP Paris Innovation & Entrepreneurship Committee

François Dellacherie, Director of Télécom SudParis, President of IP Paris Information Systems Committee

Sylvaine Neveu, Director for Corporate Relations - IP Paris, President of IP Paris Corporate Relations Committee

Thibaut Duchêne, Director of Public Affairs - IP Paris

Kees Van Der Beek, Vice Provost at Ecole Polytechnique, President of IP Paris Research Committee

Christopher Cripps, Vice-President for Europe & International Affairs - IP Paris

Dominique Rossin, Provost Ecole polytechnique, President of IP Paris Education Committee

Pierre Biscourp, Director of ENSAE Paris

Elisabeth Laurent, Project Director - IP Paris