Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Objectives and Performance Contract 2022-2026

On April 22, the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, and Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) signed the first Contract of Objectives and Performance (COP) which aims to reinforce the position of IP Paris as a leading player in higher education, research, entrepreneurship and innovation at the international level over the next ten years.
Objectives and Performance Contract 2022-2026
IP Paris' ambition is in line with the major investment plan, "France 2030", announced by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, in October 2021. IP Paris and its member schools are committed to train engineers and researchers capable of meeting the challenges of our century, the energy transition that will affect all human activities, but also the development of our defense and security.

Three years after its creation, as an experimental public institution with the mission of building a world-class multidisciplinary science and technology institute, leader in France and Europe, IP Paris is now entering the implementation phase of this ambition for the next five years. This first COP is a key step in driving and boosting the transformation of IP Paris into a world-class science and technology institute.

IP Paris' main strategic development priorities for 2022-2026 will be to scale up the Institute's academic, research and innovation related activities, develop the IP Paris research center, build a campus that meets international standards and is exemplary in terms of sustainable development, and increase the human and financial resources to support this growth.