Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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News & events

New statutes for IP Paris and integration of Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
News 16 Jul. 2024

New statutes for IP Paris and integration of Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées

Institut Polytechnique de Paris has adopted a new governance structure, designed to serve its scientific and international ambitions, and integrates a sixth member school, École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC). This institutional organization, ratified by a decree published on Tuesday July 16, is part of the reforms announced on September 26, 2023 by IP Paris' two supervisory bodies, the Minister of the Armed Forces and the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial Sovereignty.
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Engineering for Health Annual Forum 2024
Event 06 Nov. 2024

Engineering for Health Annual Forum 2024

The Engineering for Health (E4H) interdisciplinary center is organising the third edition of its annual forum on November 6, 2024 at the EDF Lab Paris Saclay. The aim of this event is to highlight current research projects in the field of life sciences and to bring together researchers, medical doctors, engineers, startups and industry to encourage new interactions.
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IP Paris receives two QS Awards: Employability and Global Engagement Champions
News 11 Jul. 2024

IP Paris receives two QS Awards: Employability and Global Engagement Champions

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) was awarded both the QS Employability Champions Recognition Award and the QS Award for Excellence in Global Engagement at the recent QS Higher Ed Summit Europe held in Barcelona from July 10th to 12th. The Institute also ranked 23rd in the latest QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 among 685 Higher Education institutions (9th in Western Europe) and maintains its 2nd spot in France.
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Call for Projects "Prématuration IP Paris" 2024: Discover success stories and become the innovator of tomorrow
News 04 Jul. 2024

Call for Projects "Prématuration IP Paris" 2024: Discover success stories and become the innovator of tomorrow

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is pleased to announce the launch of the sixth edition of its "Prématuration IP Paris" call for projects, an initiative aimed at identifying and supporting innovative projects. This call for projects has two main objectives: to specify the relevant application and to achieve an initial proof of concept.
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris joins the Udice Group universities
News 26 Jun. 2024

Institut Polytechnique de Paris joins the Udice Group universities

On June 19, Institut Polytechnique de Paris joined the Udice alliance, which promotes French higher education and research establishments in all their missions at national, European, and international levels. Its participation strengthens the association, which now has 13 members.
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EUROTECH Partner Days 2024
Event 13 Sep. 2024

EUROTECH Partner Days 2024

Institut Polytechnique de Paris, alongside its partners in The EuroTech Universities Alliance, are joining forces for the fourth time to host the EuroTech Partner Days.
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Optimizing prostheses for disabled long jumpers
News 17 Jun. 2024

Optimizing prostheses for disabled long jumpers

Passionate about sport and physics, Elodie Doyen devoted her thesis at the Institut des sciences de la mécanique et applications industrielles (IMSIA*) to improving tibial prostheses for Paralympic long-jump athletes. Here's a look back at the work and motivations of Élodie Doyen, who continues to devote herself to her passion as a research engineer at ENSTA Paris and, on occasion, as a purveyor of knowledge.
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CIEDS & Pascal Broquard: A Shared Perspective on Innovation within Special Forces
News 28 Jun. 2023

CIEDS & Pascal Broquard: A Shared Perspective on Innovation within Special Forces

The Interdisciplinary Center CIEDS had the pleasure of hosting and interviewing Pascal Broquard, a former Special Forces member and consultant in human factors, leadership, and crisis management, for a shared perspective on innovation within the special forces.
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The bright prospects of the Executive MSc in Cybersecurity
News 10 Jun. 2024

The bright prospects of the Executive MSc in Cybersecurity

The Executive MSc in Cybersecurity, a training program of excellence at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, welcomed its third class in November. This degree program enables high-level operational managers to develop their cybersecurity skills, and offers them new career prospects.
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3rd place for IP Paris in the national final of the Ma Thèse en 180 secondes competition
News 06 Jun. 2024

3rd place for IP Paris in the national final of the Ma Thèse en 180 secondes competition

On Wednesday June 5, the national final of the Ma Thèse en 180 secondes scientific mediation competition took place in Nice. Elie Kadoche, an IP Paris doctoral student, won 3rd prize from the jury.
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QS WUR 2025: IP Paris Ranked Among the Top 50 Universities Worldwide
News 05 Jun. 2024

QS WUR 2025: IP Paris Ranked Among the Top 50 Universities Worldwide

IP Paris holds the 46th position in the QS World University Rankings (WUR) 2025 listing the best universities in the world. IP Paris maintains the 10th spot globally in terms of the reputation of its graduates among employers and climbs to 31st place for employment outcomes.
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Industrial Partnerships Play a Key Role at Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security
News 05 Jun. 2024

Industrial Partnerships Play a Key Role at Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security

The Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études pour la Défense et la Sécurité Interdisciplinary Centre for Defence and Security) at IP Paris will be holding its CIEDS Operation Day on July 4, bringing together researchers, students, companies and personnel from the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. This event provides an opportunity to review the Center's main missions and highlight the crucial role that industrial partners play in technology transfer.
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