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News & events

Consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris wins a €70million call for AI Cluster projects
News 22 May. 2024

Consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris wins a €70million call for AI Cluster projects

The consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris, and including Inria, CNRS, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Université de Technologie de Troyes, won the AI Cluster call for projects. Based on the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis, the project has been awarded €70 million to create a world-class AI research, training and innovation cluster serving society in France.
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Two EuroTech conferences dedicated to African research and water protection
Event 04 Jun. 2024

Two EuroTech conferences dedicated to African research and water protection

The EuroTech University Alliance, of which IP Paris is one of six members, is organizing two conferences on Tuesday June 4, in Brussels and online, on two very different yet intertwined topics : developing excellent research in Africa and resilient water systems in the context of climate change.
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A look back at INNOV'NIGHT IP Paris 2024
News 17 May. 2024

A look back at INNOV'NIGHT IP Paris 2024

For the second edition of INNOV'NIGHT, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) brought together over a hundred students from its member schools as well as partner schools. The challenge that awaited them throughout the night was to immerse themselves in the world of entrepreneurship and develop innovative solutions in teams.
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IP Paris ranked 6th in the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings
News 15 May. 2024

IP Paris ranked 6th in the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings

IP Paris ranks 6th in the 2024 Times Higher Education Young University Rankings, which list the world's top institutions with 50 years of existence or less. It climbs two spots from 2023.
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Physics takes the plunge
News 15 May. 2024

Physics takes the plunge

Swimming is one of the disciplines in which France could well distinguish itself at the 2024 Olympic Games. With this in mind, science is helping athletes to optimize their practice through physical models based on the recording of numerous swimming parameters. Thomas Brunel is doing his doctorate between the hydrodynamics laboratory (LadhyX*) and the Ecole des ponts**. In particular, his work aims to gain a better understanding of swimmers' gestures during the start phases of competition.
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Bruno Cattan appointed Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at IP Paris
News 03 May. 2024

Bruno Cattan appointed Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at IP Paris

Bruno Cattan was appointed Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Institut Polytechnique de Paris on May 1, 2024. He holds the same position at École Polytechnique, one of the Institute's five founding schools. His mission, at IP Paris level, is to deploy and manage innovation support programs for students, researchers and startups, and to develop synergies between IP Paris member schools.
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Christopher Cripps appointed Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs of IP Paris
News 03 May. 2024

Christopher Cripps appointed Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs of IP Paris

Christopher Cripps will soon join the Institut Polytechnique de Paris as Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs. His mission: to contribute to making IP Paris a global benchmark for French scientific and technological excellence through a strategy developed with its five member schools. He will take his new position on 1st June.
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E4C Fall School - Interdisciplinary Approaches for Future Smart Grids
Event 07 Oct. 2024 - 11 Oct. 2024

E4C Fall School - Interdisciplinary Approaches for Future Smart Grids

This year the E4C Fall School will be about "Interdisciplinary Approaches for Future Smart Grids: Use Cases, Methodologies, and Technologies." Over one week from 7th to 11th October 2024, participants will immerse themselves in a comprehensive exploration of interdisciplinary approaches for future Smart Grids.
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The ‘Nouvelles Avancées’ story contest celebrates its winners at the Panthéon
News 29 Apr. 2024

The ‘Nouvelles Avancées’ story contest celebrates its winners at the Panthéon

On Thursday 25th April, IP Paris International Centre for French Language and Culture celebrated at the Panthéon in Paris the winners of its 'Nouvelles Avancées' competition, which aims to bridge the gap between science and literature. The theme chosen for this 2024 edition, "Should we take time seriously ? From Aristotle to Einstein...", particularly inspired the young writers, who were praised by the jury for the high quality writings.
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Combining sport and science: a winning strategy
News 26 Apr. 2024

Combining sport and science: a winning strategy

Between physics and physiology, scientists can help athletes define which strategy to adopt to perform at their best, particularly in racing competitions. Alice Boillet, a doctoral student at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*), is optimizing team pursuit strategies in track cycling.
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IP Paris Shows Up Strong at VivaTech
Event 22 May. 2024 - 25 May. 2024

IP Paris Shows Up Strong at VivaTech

VivaTechnology, Europe's largest innovation and technology expo, will open its doors from May 22nd to May 25th in Paris. Twenty-eight startups from Institut Polytechnique de Paris will be showcasing their innovations at booth C44, attracting investors, CEOs, and researchers.
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Sport, science and performance: Olympic triptych
News 22 Apr. 2024

Sport, science and performance: Olympic triptych

In the run-up to the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, scientists are helping athletes to achieve results through the Sciences 2024 research program. Choosing equipment, understanding key physical parameters, optimizing training: science can make a wide range of contributions to sport and performance. At Institut Polytechnique de Paris, several laboratories are involved in this objective. Interview with Christophe Clanet, CNRS Research Director at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*) and Director of Sciences 2024.
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