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Rencontres Technology for Change | 2024

26 Mar. 2024 - 28 Mar. 2024
The Rencontres Technology for Change, organised by the Technology for Change Research Chair, are back this year for their 3rd edition, which will take place from 26 to 28 March in Paris and on the IP Paris campus.
Rencontres Technology for Change | 2024

Offering a platform for exchange and dialogue, the aim of these annual Rencontres is to take stock of the links between technology, society and industry, to cross-discipline, rethink approaches and envisage prospects for developing a virtuous technology capable of instigating lasting change.

Open to all experts, executives, managers, operational staff and citizens wishing to exchange ideas and get involved in the co-development of this modern and responsible technology, this year's Rencontres will address themes such as technologies for planetary health and well-being, inclusion policies, net-zero commitment and global supply chains, as well as 'Circular Washing'.

IMPORTANT: Registration is free but mandatory. Closing of registrations of 20 March.

**Event in French and English | Événement en Français et Anglais**


Localisations: Accenture, 118 avenue de France, Paris 13ème and Drahi-X Novation Center - École polytechnique - Campus IP Paris Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau

Public: Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Decision-makers, Researchers

Language: French and/or English

This first day will be devoted to workshops aimed at companies, entrepreneurs, decision-makers and researchers. These workshops, led by researchers from the Technology for Change Research Chair, will enable participants to discover and put into practice tools designed to offer directly actionable solutions to business problems.

IMPORTANT: Registration for the workshops is free but compulsory.

Workshop programme:

Morning workshops: parallel sessions

« Innover avec les utilisateurs extrêmes : un serious game pour boostez vos innovations organisationnelles et produit » [Français]

by the Inclusive Innovation Observatory: Sarah Richard - Researcher in management, École de Management Strasbourg, France; Edvina Kapllani - Head of Accenture Research, Accenture;  & Estelle Peyrard - Head of the Tech Lab, APF France Handicap, and Researcher un Innovation management, École polytechnique, IP Paris, France.

Hours & localisation: 10:00-13:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: French

Description: Digitalisation, intelligence artificielle, robotique ; l’innovation en entreprise s’appuie souvent sur des technologies pionnières ou des processus novateurs.  Cette innovation se fait néanmoins au service d’un persona souvent stéréotypé et standardisé. Considérer l’utilisateur et le salarié dans sa diversité pourrait pourtant devenir une grande source d’innovation organisationnelle et d’innovation produit.

Autour d’un jeu de plateau convivial :

  • Renouvelez votre regard sur vos salariés et vos utilisateurs
  • Découvrez comment les utilisateurs extrêmes, en raison de la diversité de leurs profils et de leurs besoins spécifiques, peuvent vous aider à innover dans vos organisations (politiques RH, systèmes d’information, processus) et dans vos offres de produits et services. 
  • Pratiquez le design inclusif

>> Register


“Innovations – A Path Paved with Challenges” [English] 

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: This workshop introduces the importance of innovation and why it is challenging for many companies. We introduce innovation as a process and show the variety and types of barriers that any innovation process may encounter. The workshop will allow the companies to work on own experienced challenges and will offer insights from research to understand how to manage the barriers. We will use a tool to identify barriers and solutions and the participants will plan for specific actions to address the barriers.

>> Register


“Frugal Innovation” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in Innovation Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: Frugal innovation is an operational strategy that targets a significant lifecycle reduction of costs through defeaturing and cost innovation, but also through refeaturing, repositioning, and reconfiguring the supply chain. The principles of frugal innovation applied to the entire firm lay the foundations for a frugalization capability (resp. frugal business innovation) that can be used proactively and defensively against disruptive innovators. In this workshop, using case examples from Europe and beyond, we explore the individual functions that frugal innovation entails, and the tradeoffs organizations will need to make when adopting frugalization as a new strategy.

>> Register 


“Digital Transformation of Organizations” [English]

by Marianne Harbo Frederiksen - Associate Professor in Technology and Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

and Tina Lundo Tranekjer -  Associate Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: Attentive management of digital transformation paves the way for an appropriate implementation of digital solutions towards more efficient workflows and new or increased value creation for the organization’s internal and external stakeholders. But what must managers pay particular attention to in order to harvest the benefits of digital solutions and succeed with digitally transforming the organization?

The aim of this workshop is to provide managers an overview of what matters in relation to digital transformation. At the workshop, five general managerial points of attention are presented and discussed, and special focus is placed on the concept of value in relation to both the organization and the employees.

>> Register


Afternoon workshops : parallel sessions

“Systems mapping: How to better understand complex socio-ecological problems?” [English]

by Domenico Dentoni – Professor in Innovation Management, Montpellier Business School, France

Pilar Acosta – Associate Professor in Innovation Management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Costantino Romeo – PhD Candidate in Management, Paris School of Business & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 14:00-17:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: English

Description: Systems mapping is a visual tool that helps to understand and analyze complex systems. It is a way of representing the different components of a system and how they interact with each other. It facilitates understanding of causes, consequences, and feedback loops between the components of a system. Overall mapping systems leads to a better understanding of the interactions of the components of the system. The ultimate goal is to identify problems, develop solutions, and make better decisions about a system.

>> Register


“New Product Development & Innovation: Learning from Global Best Practices” [English]

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in Innovation Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 14:00-17:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: No matter how good you are at new product development (NPD), the “Red Queen Effect” ensures that only those better at innovation than their peers will ultimately succeed. In this workshop, we will talk about the Red Queen Effect in innovation and how best practice benchmarking accelerates upgrading and improvement of product development management. We do this in the context of the PDMA’s (Product Development Management Association) NPD Best Practices Survey, a global study of NPD and innovation that was carried out in more than 30 countries in 2020.

This workshop will show the current trends and best practices for managers of NPD and Innovation. Besides talking about the Red Queen Effect on innovation, we will use results from the global survey to discuss challenges and practices in small groups.

>> Register 


All-day workshop:

« Vers une innovation responsable : Comment concilier durabilité et performance » [Français]

by Thierry Rayna - Professor in Innovation Management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-17:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: French

Description: Appelée de tous ses vœux par une population légitimement de plus en plus inquiète, plébiscitée par les entreprises et pouvoirs publics, l’innovation responsable se heurte très souvent aux impératifs de rentabilité et de performance auxquels sont sujettes les entreprises. L’objectif de cet atelier est de fournir des outils (liés à l’innovation en business model, à la cartographie de l’écosystème, et à l’évaluation de l’impact) et une méthode permettant aux entreprises d’innover en réconciliant performance et impact, et de devenir porteuses d’innovation responsable.

Format de l’atelier : Cet atelier se compose d’une partie formation, ayant pour but de présenter le contexte, les outils et la méthodologie (1/2 journée), et d’une partie mise en pratique (1/2 journée) pendant lesquels les participants pourront s’approprier les outils et la méthode en les appliquant à des cas concrets.

Partie formation :

Le but de cette première partie de journée est de présenter le contexte d’ensemble et les tendances de fond liées à l’innovation responsable. Partant de l’innovation technologique, vue comme les entreprises comme principal levier d’avantage concurrentiel, mais de nos jours fortement critiquée pour sa fréquente « irresponsabilité » (Linky, 5G…), un premier objectif de cette séance est de montrer, au contraire, le rôle prépondérant de l’innovation en business model, portée par une convergence toujours plus forte des technologies numériques. Ces dernières font en effet voler en éclat les traditionnelles chaines de valeur pour les remplacer par des réseaux de valeur (ou écosystèmes) complexes et mouvants, constitués de parties prenantes nombreuses et hétérogènes. Malheureusement, cette « nouvelle » réalité, dont les entreprises sont souvent conscientes, se heurte à des visions de la stratégie et de l’innovation qui, si elles ont fait leurs preuves dans l’ère prénumérique, sont de moins en moins adaptées à la réalité actuelle. Dans un tel contexte, une compréhension claire du rôle de l’innovation en business model, seule à même de garantir un avantage concurrentiel durable, est fondamentale. Ainsi, le premier outil présenté (le « 360º Value- Action Business Model Framework ») permettra d’établir un diagnostic des business models de l’entreprise et d’envisager des leviers d’innovations créateurs de valeurs.

Dans cette ère numérique, la création de valeur se fait cependant rarement seule. Par conséquent, une compréhension fine et exhaustive de l’écosystème d’affaires d’une entreprise, et la mise en place d’un mode de gouvernance et des mécanismes de capture de valeur appropriés sont absolument critiques ; c’est ce qui fait la différence entre croissance et déclin à un âge ou la concurrence ne se fait plus directement entre entreprises, mais par écosystèmes interposés. Le second outil présenté permettra de faire une cartographie exhaustive (comprenant les autres entreprises, les organismes de financement, les pouvoirs publics, le monde académique, la société civile, ainsi que les différentes composantes internes à l’entreprise mobilisées) des parties prenantes (actuelles ou désirées) de l’entreprise, ainsi que de leur implication (présente ou future) dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, ce qui est nécessaire à la conception et la mise en place de modes de gouvernances et de capture de valeur spécifiques à l’écosystème de l’entreprise, et en appui de l’innovation en business model.

Enfin, dans cette nouvelle ère, les parties prenantes impliquées dans la création et la capture de valeur ne sont pas toujours des entreprises ou d’autres acteurs intéressés par des considérations (uniquement) financières. Par ailleurs, les principaux bénéficiaires, ne sont pas nécessairement ceux disposés ou en mesure de payer. Il est donc absolument critique de pouvoir évaluer l’impact au sens large (économique, environnemental, social et sociétal) de l’entreprise, cet impact permettant justement d’envisager des moyens d’incorporer des parties prenantes dans la création de valeur, ainsi que trouver des moyens de capture de valeur (de « monétisation ») indirecte. C’est l’objectif du troisième outil présenté, qui a pour but une évaluation multicritères de l’impact sous ses quatre dimensions.

Partie atelier de mise en pratique :

En les appliquant à des cas concrets, les participants pourront manipuler et se familiariser avec les trois outils suivants :

  • « 360º Value-Action Business Model Framework » : outil permettant de diagnostiquer les business models des entreprises dans le but d’identifier des sources d’innovation en business model porteuse d’innovation responsable.
  • « Ecosystem Map » : outil permettant de cartographier l’écosystème de valeur de l’entreprise, selon le type de parties prenantes (entreprises, pouvoirs publics, société civile, organismes de financement…) et leur proximité/implication dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, dans le but, notamment, d’identifier des parties prenantes qui, une fois impliquée, permettraient de soutenir des innovations en business model vecteurs d’innovation responsable.
  • « Impact Assessment Framework » : outil permettant une évaluation quantitative et qualitative de l’impact de l’entreprise dans ses quatre dimensions (environnemental, sociale, sociétale et économique), afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’innovation et identifier des parties prenantes bénéficiaires de cet impact qu’il conviendrait d’impliquer.

Les participants pourront ensuite établir les liens entre ces trois outils, permettant de tester la cohérence entre business model, écosystème, et impact, permettant le développement et la mise en place concrète d’innovations responsables.

>> Register 


Localisation: Collège de France - Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5ème

Public: all public

Language: French & English

IMPORTANT : Registration for this conference is free but mandatory.

Open to a wide audience and organised around panels, the aim of this day is to explore the role played by technologies in the field of health, but also to talk about subjects such as inclusive innovation, the global supply chain and net-zero commitments, or the challenges of establishing true circularity. This conference provides an opportunity to examine the impact of technologies and the fundamental role of research in designing tools and applications for sustainable development

>> Register

Plenary conference programme:

12:45 – Opening by Thierry Rayna - Director of the Technology for Change Research Chair

13:00-14:15 – "Planetary Health & Wellbeing: Why current technologies are losing the battle against malaria and how climate change is redrawing the battle lines"

  • Dr. Valérie Faillat, Regulatory Affairs and Access to Care Advisor - Indépendante
  • Armelle Hebert, Scientific and Operational Committee Advisor - Institut des Hautes Études One Health (IHEOH), One Sustainable Health Foundation
  • Anne-France Kennedy, CEO and Co-Founder - KlimateNet
  • Dr. Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner - Service de Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hôpital Bichat - Claude Bernard & One Health - Emerging Infectious Diseases Graduate School Université Paris Cité - Institut Pasteur, Paris
  • Moderation by Ludivine Dupont, PhD Candidate in Sustainable Innovation - bioMérieux, i3-CRG École Polytechnique & IAC Partners

This panel will explore how climate change is hindering our progress in achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (health for all), with specific focus on infectious diseases like malaria. We will discuss where global health innovations have fallen short, what has worked and why, and how emerging technologies might take us to the finish line.  

14:15-14:45 – Break

14:45-16:00 – "Inclusive Innovation and Inclusion Policies: Deciphering Company Practices"

  • Isabelle Diglé, Head of Diversity and Inclusion - BNP Paribas
  • Clarisse Mathieu, Head of Disability Policy - La Poste Groupe
  • Inclusive Innovation Observatory: 
    • Estelle Peyrard, Head of the TechLab, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - TechLab d'APF France Handicap & i3-CRG École polytechnique
    • Edvina Kapllani, Research Senior Principal - Accenture
    • Sarah Richard, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - EM Strasbourg Business School

The Inclusive Innovation Observatory delivers its initial findings, analysing the ways in which companies are deploying inclusive strategies in their innovation and HR processes.

16:00-17:15 – "Net-zero Pledges and Global Supply Chain: Are the Two Diametrically Opposed?"

  • Jean-Benoît Besset, Head of Group Corporate Societal Responsibility - Orange
  • Max Blanchet, Senior Managing Director Global Lead Supplychain & Operations Strategy - Accenture
  • Pilar Acosta, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change
  • Yuhui Xiong, Research Manager - Accenture

The aim of this panel is to discuss approaches to reduce greenhouse gases in the global supply chain. First, the results of a study conducted by Accenture and the Technology for Change Research Chair, "Strategies for net-zero pledges in the face of global and dispersed emissions across global value chains", will be presented to the audience. Two companies will then present the steps they have taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains.

17:15-17:45 – Break

17:45-19:00 – "How to Avoid 'Circular-Washing': The Challenges of Putting True Circularity into Practice"

  • Alice Bodreau, Partnerships Lead - Ellen MacArthur Foundation
  • Antoine Bagur, CEO and Co-Founder - CircularX
  • Carole Davies-Filleur, Executive Director Sustainability & Technology - Accenture
  • Thierry Rayna, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change
  • Moderation by Corentin Juin, PhD Candidate in Innovation Management - Square Management & i3-CRG École Polytechnique

The climate emergency and the pressure put on businesses by the public and public authorities have led them to take an increasing interest in so-called 'circular' models. We have recently seen the emergence of a number of 'circular' offers in many different areas: sports equipment, household appliances, fashion, furniture, beauty products, detergents, etc. While we can only welcome the emergence of 'business models' aimed at reducing the use of resources and our carbon footprint, a closer look at some of these models tends to reveal offers that are 'weakly' circular, thereby discrediting these solutions in the eyes of consumers. After 'green' and 'impact washing', are we entering a period of 'circular washing'? The aim of this panel is to go beyond marketing strategies to highlight what circularity really is, and to identify ways of moving towards truly circular offers and business models.

19:00-19:30 – Crossed Views between Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Accenture & Technology for Change Research Chair

  • Thierry Coulhon, President - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Francis Hintermann, Global Managing Director Accenture Research - Accenture
  • Pilar Acosta, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change

19:30-21:00 – Closure Cocktail

>> Register

Localisation: Drahi-X Novation Center - École polytechnique - Campus IP Paris Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau

Public: Academics

Language: English

This 3rd day of the Rencontres Technology for Change is aimed at an academic audience and consists of:

  • a series of writing and good practice workshops
  • group and 1 to 1 sessions with editors of management research journals
  • an elevator pitch competition between PhD candidates

IMPORTANT: Registration is free but mandatory. Please note that documents will be required for participation in the writing and good practice workshops before Wednesday 20 March 2024.

>> Register

>> Send your documents

Academic day programme

9:00-10:30 – Parallel Workshops

“How to conceptualise a paper” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: PhD Candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Language: English

Description: This workshop is aimed at providing participants with a practical method for developing new paper ideas into paper action plans by writing “paper mission statements”.  

Each participant will submit a half page outline of a paper idea before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the document

During the workshop, participants will be guided into developing a 3-page document addressing key aspects of the necessary research project in the targeted paper context. Every participant will walk away with an action plan and specific actions to be taken to progress in their paper writing, for example: key motivation and relevance statement, possible theory focus, proposed empirical focus and methods, key literature to be cited, right co-authors to work with (if any), which journal to target. With this “paper mission statement”, co-authors can converge into the same direction and speed up the writing process.

>> Register


“How to move from your PhD to your first paper” [English]

by Thierry Rayna - Professor in innovation management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Simcha Jong – Professor in innovation management, University College London, UK & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: PhD Candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Language: English

Description: In this session, participants will present a paper from their PhD thesis and receive targeted feedback in a conference style session to help them advance the paper for further development and submission to a journal.

Each participant will submit an extended abstract (5000 words max.) or full paper before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the document


>> Register


10:30-11:00 – Break


11:00-13:00 – Meet the Editors

with Ioana Stefan - Social Media Editor at R&D Management Journal

René Chester Goduscheit - Editor in Chief at Creativity and Innovation Management

Max von Zedtwitz - Editor at Technovation

Mette Praest Knudsen - Editor at Technovation 

and Emmanuelle Dubocage - Editor at Revue Innovations

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: During this session, participants will get the opportunity to meet editors from various journals in the field of management (Revue Innovations, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, Technovation, R&D Management Journal). The first part will be a group session (11:00-12:00).

Each participant will submit their questions to the speakers before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the questions

The second part will be a 1 to 1 session (12:00-13:00) during which participants will get the opportunity to speak directly with their selected editor for 5 to 10min.

>> Register


13:00-14:00 – Break


14:00-15:30 – Parallel Workshops

“Best practices for publishing” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: In this workshop, we will discuss best practices for improving you publication chances. Participants at different level of publication will work in groups, focusing on different parts of the publishing process. At the end of the workshop, a set of recommendations will be created and collected by the groups.

>> Register


“New Technologies for the Research Process” [English]

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor of innovation management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Pierre-Jean Barlatier - Professor of strategy and innovation, EDHEC Business School, France

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: In this roundtable discussion, we will discuss best practices to use AI/BIG DATA in the research process and collect different experiences.

>> Register


15:30-18:30 – Pitch for Change: PhD Candidate Elevator Pitch Competition

with Ioana Stefan - Social Media Editor, R&D Management Journal

Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Anthony Coutant - Co-founder, HephIA

Public: PhD Candidates in management, economy or sociology

Language: English

Description: One PhD, 3 minutes : let's go!

IMPORTANT: The competition will be held in English.

The aim of this competition is to help PhD candidates improve their ability to present their research topics when time is limited and at informal gatherings (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.).

A jury made up of visiting professors and lecturers and researchers from the Technology for Change Research Chair will select the 3 best presentations based on the following criteria:

  • Originality of the subject
  • Quality of the narrative
  • Clarity and coherence of ideas
  • Enthusiasm

The 3 winners will be awarded the following prizes:

  • First place €500
  • Second place €250
  • Third place €100

>> Register

Tuesday 26 March | Workshops Day

Localisations: Accenture, 118 avenue de France, Paris 13ème and Drahi-X Novation Center - École polytechnique - Campus IP Paris Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau

Public: Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Decision-makers, Researchers

Language: French and/or English

This first day will be devoted to workshops aimed at companies, entrepreneurs, decision-makers and researchers. These workshops, led by researchers from the Technology for Change Research Chair, will enable participants to discover and put into practice tools designed to offer directly actionable solutions to business problems.

IMPORTANT: Registration for the workshops is free but compulsory.

Workshop programme:

Morning workshops: parallel sessions

« Innover avec les utilisateurs extrêmes : un serious game pour boostez vos innovations organisationnelles et produit » [Français]

by the Inclusive Innovation Observatory: Sarah Richard - Researcher in management, École de Management Strasbourg, France; Edvina Kapllani - Head of Accenture Research, Accenture;  & Estelle Peyrard - Head of the Tech Lab, APF France Handicap, and Researcher un Innovation management, École polytechnique, IP Paris, France.

Hours & localisation: 10:00-13:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: French

Description: Digitalisation, intelligence artificielle, robotique ; l’innovation en entreprise s’appuie souvent sur des technologies pionnières ou des processus novateurs.  Cette innovation se fait néanmoins au service d’un persona souvent stéréotypé et standardisé. Considérer l’utilisateur et le salarié dans sa diversité pourrait pourtant devenir une grande source d’innovation organisationnelle et d’innovation produit.

Autour d’un jeu de plateau convivial :

  • Renouvelez votre regard sur vos salariés et vos utilisateurs
  • Découvrez comment les utilisateurs extrêmes, en raison de la diversité de leurs profils et de leurs besoins spécifiques, peuvent vous aider à innover dans vos organisations (politiques RH, systèmes d’information, processus) et dans vos offres de produits et services. 
  • Pratiquez le design inclusif

>> Register


“Innovations – A Path Paved with Challenges” [English] 

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: This workshop introduces the importance of innovation and why it is challenging for many companies. We introduce innovation as a process and show the variety and types of barriers that any innovation process may encounter. The workshop will allow the companies to work on own experienced challenges and will offer insights from research to understand how to manage the barriers. We will use a tool to identify barriers and solutions and the participants will plan for specific actions to address the barriers.

>> Register


“Frugal Innovation” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in Innovation Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: Frugal innovation is an operational strategy that targets a significant lifecycle reduction of costs through defeaturing and cost innovation, but also through refeaturing, repositioning, and reconfiguring the supply chain. The principles of frugal innovation applied to the entire firm lay the foundations for a frugalization capability (resp. frugal business innovation) that can be used proactively and defensively against disruptive innovators. In this workshop, using case examples from Europe and beyond, we explore the individual functions that frugal innovation entails, and the tradeoffs organizations will need to make when adopting frugalization as a new strategy.

>> Register 


“Digital Transformation of Organizations” [English]

by Marianne Harbo Frederiksen - Associate Professor in Technology and Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

and Tina Lundo Tranekjer -  Associate Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Hours & localisation: 9:00-12:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: Attentive management of digital transformation paves the way for an appropriate implementation of digital solutions towards more efficient workflows and new or increased value creation for the organization’s internal and external stakeholders. But what must managers pay particular attention to in order to harvest the benefits of digital solutions and succeed with digitally transforming the organization?

The aim of this workshop is to provide managers an overview of what matters in relation to digital transformation. At the workshop, five general managerial points of attention are presented and discussed, and special focus is placed on the concept of value in relation to both the organization and the employees.

>> Register


Afternoon workshops : parallel sessions

“Systems mapping: How to better understand complex socio-ecological problems?” [English]

by Domenico Dentoni – Professor in Innovation Management, Montpellier Business School, France

Pilar Acosta – Associate Professor in Innovation Management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Costantino Romeo – PhD Candidate in Management, Paris School of Business & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 14:00-17:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: English

Description: Systems mapping is a visual tool that helps to understand and analyze complex systems. It is a way of representing the different components of a system and how they interact with each other. It facilitates understanding of causes, consequences, and feedback loops between the components of a system. Overall mapping systems leads to a better understanding of the interactions of the components of the system. The ultimate goal is to identify problems, develop solutions, and make better decisions about a system.

>> Register


“New Product Development & Innovation: Learning from Global Best Practices” [English]

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor in Innovation Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in Innovation Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 14:00-17:00 - Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, École polytechnique, Campus IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau

Language: English

Description: No matter how good you are at new product development (NPD), the “Red Queen Effect” ensures that only those better at innovation than their peers will ultimately succeed. In this workshop, we will talk about the Red Queen Effect in innovation and how best practice benchmarking accelerates upgrading and improvement of product development management. We do this in the context of the PDMA’s (Product Development Management Association) NPD Best Practices Survey, a global study of NPD and innovation that was carried out in more than 30 countries in 2020.

This workshop will show the current trends and best practices for managers of NPD and Innovation. Besides talking about the Red Queen Effect on innovation, we will use results from the global survey to discuss challenges and practices in small groups.

>> Register 


All-day workshop:

« Vers une innovation responsable : Comment concilier durabilité et performance » [Français]

by Thierry Rayna - Professor in Innovation Management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Hours & localisation: 9:00-17:00 - Accenture, 118 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Language: French

Description: Appelée de tous ses vœux par une population légitimement de plus en plus inquiète, plébiscitée par les entreprises et pouvoirs publics, l’innovation responsable se heurte très souvent aux impératifs de rentabilité et de performance auxquels sont sujettes les entreprises. L’objectif de cet atelier est de fournir des outils (liés à l’innovation en business model, à la cartographie de l’écosystème, et à l’évaluation de l’impact) et une méthode permettant aux entreprises d’innover en réconciliant performance et impact, et de devenir porteuses d’innovation responsable.

Format de l’atelier : Cet atelier se compose d’une partie formation, ayant pour but de présenter le contexte, les outils et la méthodologie (1/2 journée), et d’une partie mise en pratique (1/2 journée) pendant lesquels les participants pourront s’approprier les outils et la méthode en les appliquant à des cas concrets.

Partie formation :

Le but de cette première partie de journée est de présenter le contexte d’ensemble et les tendances de fond liées à l’innovation responsable. Partant de l’innovation technologique, vue comme les entreprises comme principal levier d’avantage concurrentiel, mais de nos jours fortement critiquée pour sa fréquente « irresponsabilité » (Linky, 5G…), un premier objectif de cette séance est de montrer, au contraire, le rôle prépondérant de l’innovation en business model, portée par une convergence toujours plus forte des technologies numériques. Ces dernières font en effet voler en éclat les traditionnelles chaines de valeur pour les remplacer par des réseaux de valeur (ou écosystèmes) complexes et mouvants, constitués de parties prenantes nombreuses et hétérogènes. Malheureusement, cette « nouvelle » réalité, dont les entreprises sont souvent conscientes, se heurte à des visions de la stratégie et de l’innovation qui, si elles ont fait leurs preuves dans l’ère prénumérique, sont de moins en moins adaptées à la réalité actuelle. Dans un tel contexte, une compréhension claire du rôle de l’innovation en business model, seule à même de garantir un avantage concurrentiel durable, est fondamentale. Ainsi, le premier outil présenté (le « 360º Value- Action Business Model Framework ») permettra d’établir un diagnostic des business models de l’entreprise et d’envisager des leviers d’innovations créateurs de valeurs.

Dans cette ère numérique, la création de valeur se fait cependant rarement seule. Par conséquent, une compréhension fine et exhaustive de l’écosystème d’affaires d’une entreprise, et la mise en place d’un mode de gouvernance et des mécanismes de capture de valeur appropriés sont absolument critiques ; c’est ce qui fait la différence entre croissance et déclin à un âge ou la concurrence ne se fait plus directement entre entreprises, mais par écosystèmes interposés. Le second outil présenté permettra de faire une cartographie exhaustive (comprenant les autres entreprises, les organismes de financement, les pouvoirs publics, le monde académique, la société civile, ainsi que les différentes composantes internes à l’entreprise mobilisées) des parties prenantes (actuelles ou désirées) de l’entreprise, ainsi que de leur implication (présente ou future) dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, ce qui est nécessaire à la conception et la mise en place de modes de gouvernances et de capture de valeur spécifiques à l’écosystème de l’entreprise, et en appui de l’innovation en business model.

Enfin, dans cette nouvelle ère, les parties prenantes impliquées dans la création et la capture de valeur ne sont pas toujours des entreprises ou d’autres acteurs intéressés par des considérations (uniquement) financières. Par ailleurs, les principaux bénéficiaires, ne sont pas nécessairement ceux disposés ou en mesure de payer. Il est donc absolument critique de pouvoir évaluer l’impact au sens large (économique, environnemental, social et sociétal) de l’entreprise, cet impact permettant justement d’envisager des moyens d’incorporer des parties prenantes dans la création de valeur, ainsi que trouver des moyens de capture de valeur (de « monétisation ») indirecte. C’est l’objectif du troisième outil présenté, qui a pour but une évaluation multicritères de l’impact sous ses quatre dimensions.

Partie atelier de mise en pratique :

En les appliquant à des cas concrets, les participants pourront manipuler et se familiariser avec les trois outils suivants :

  • « 360º Value-Action Business Model Framework » : outil permettant de diagnostiquer les business models des entreprises dans le but d’identifier des sources d’innovation en business model porteuse d’innovation responsable.
  • « Ecosystem Map » : outil permettant de cartographier l’écosystème de valeur de l’entreprise, selon le type de parties prenantes (entreprises, pouvoirs publics, société civile, organismes de financement…) et leur proximité/implication dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, dans le but, notamment, d’identifier des parties prenantes qui, une fois impliquée, permettraient de soutenir des innovations en business model vecteurs d’innovation responsable.
  • « Impact Assessment Framework » : outil permettant une évaluation quantitative et qualitative de l’impact de l’entreprise dans ses quatre dimensions (environnemental, sociale, sociétale et économique), afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’innovation et identifier des parties prenantes bénéficiaires de cet impact qu’il conviendrait d’impliquer.

Les participants pourront ensuite établir les liens entre ces trois outils, permettant de tester la cohérence entre business model, écosystème, et impact, permettant le développement et la mise en place concrète d’innovations responsables.

>> Register 


Localisation: Collège de France - Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5ème

Public: all public

Language: French & English

IMPORTANT : Registration for this conference is free but mandatory.

Open to a wide audience and organised around panels, the aim of this day is to explore the role played by technologies in the field of health, but also to talk about subjects such as inclusive innovation, the global supply chain and net-zero commitments, or the challenges of establishing true circularity. This conference provides an opportunity to examine the impact of technologies and the fundamental role of research in designing tools and applications for sustainable development

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Plenary conference programme:

12:45 – Opening by Thierry Rayna - Director of the Technology for Change Research Chair

13:00-14:15 – "Planetary Health & Wellbeing: Why current technologies are losing the battle against malaria and how climate change is redrawing the battle lines"

  • Dr. Valérie Faillat, Regulatory Affairs and Access to Care Advisor - Indépendante
  • Armelle Hebert, Scientific and Operational Committee Advisor - Institut des Hautes Études One Health (IHEOH), One Sustainable Health Foundation
  • Anne-France Kennedy, CEO and Co-Founder - KlimateNet
  • Dr. Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner - Service de Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hôpital Bichat - Claude Bernard & One Health - Emerging Infectious Diseases Graduate School Université Paris Cité - Institut Pasteur, Paris
  • Moderation by Ludivine Dupont, PhD Candidate in Sustainable Innovation - bioMérieux, i3-CRG École Polytechnique & IAC Partners

This panel will explore how climate change is hindering our progress in achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (health for all), with specific focus on infectious diseases like malaria. We will discuss where global health innovations have fallen short, what has worked and why, and how emerging technologies might take us to the finish line.  

14:15-14:45 – Break

14:45-16:00 – "Inclusive Innovation and Inclusion Policies: Deciphering Company Practices"

  • Isabelle Diglé, Head of Diversity and Inclusion - BNP Paribas
  • Clarisse Mathieu, Head of Disability Policy - La Poste Groupe
  • Inclusive Innovation Observatory: 
    • Estelle Peyrard, Head of the TechLab, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - TechLab d'APF France Handicap & i3-CRG École polytechnique
    • Edvina Kapllani, Research Senior Principal - Accenture
    • Sarah Richard, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - EM Strasbourg Business School

The Inclusive Innovation Observatory delivers its initial findings, analysing the ways in which companies are deploying inclusive strategies in their innovation and HR processes.

16:00-17:15 – "Net-zero Pledges and Global Supply Chain: Are the Two Diametrically Opposed?"

  • Jean-Benoît Besset, Head of Group Corporate Societal Responsibility - Orange
  • Max Blanchet, Senior Managing Director Global Lead Supplychain & Operations Strategy - Accenture
  • Pilar Acosta, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change
  • Yuhui Xiong, Research Manager - Accenture

The aim of this panel is to discuss approaches to reduce greenhouse gases in the global supply chain. First, the results of a study conducted by Accenture and the Technology for Change Research Chair, "Strategies for net-zero pledges in the face of global and dispersed emissions across global value chains", will be presented to the audience. Two companies will then present the steps they have taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains.

17:15-17:45 – Break

17:45-19:00 – "How to Avoid 'Circular-Washing': The Challenges of Putting True Circularity into Practice"

  • Alice Bodreau, Partnerships Lead - Ellen MacArthur Foundation
  • Antoine Bagur, CEO and Co-Founder - CircularX
  • Carole Davies-Filleur, Executive Director Sustainability & Technology - Accenture
  • Thierry Rayna, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change
  • Moderation by Corentin Juin, PhD Candidate in Innovation Management - Square Management & i3-CRG École Polytechnique

The climate emergency and the pressure put on businesses by the public and public authorities have led them to take an increasing interest in so-called 'circular' models. We have recently seen the emergence of a number of 'circular' offers in many different areas: sports equipment, household appliances, fashion, furniture, beauty products, detergents, etc. While we can only welcome the emergence of 'business models' aimed at reducing the use of resources and our carbon footprint, a closer look at some of these models tends to reveal offers that are 'weakly' circular, thereby discrediting these solutions in the eyes of consumers. After 'green' and 'impact washing', are we entering a period of 'circular washing'? The aim of this panel is to go beyond marketing strategies to highlight what circularity really is, and to identify ways of moving towards truly circular offers and business models.

19:00-19:30 – Crossed Views between Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Accenture & Technology for Change Research Chair

  • Thierry Coulhon, President - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Francis Hintermann, Global Managing Director Accenture Research - Accenture
  • Pilar Acosta, Lecturer and Researcher in Innovation Management - i3-CRG École polytechnique & Chaire Technology for Change

19:30-21:00 – Closure Cocktail

>> Register

Localisation: Drahi-X Novation Center - École polytechnique - Campus IP Paris Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau

Public: Academics

Language: English

This 3rd day of the Rencontres Technology for Change is aimed at an academic audience and consists of:

  • a series of writing and good practice workshops
  • group and 1 to 1 sessions with editors of management research journals
  • an elevator pitch competition between PhD candidates

IMPORTANT: Registration is free but mandatory. Please note that documents will be required for participation in the writing and good practice workshops before Wednesday 20 March 2024.

>> Register

>> Send your documents

Academic day programme

9:00-10:30 – Parallel Workshops

“How to conceptualise a paper” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: PhD Candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Language: English

Description: This workshop is aimed at providing participants with a practical method for developing new paper ideas into paper action plans by writing “paper mission statements”.  

Each participant will submit a half page outline of a paper idea before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the document

During the workshop, participants will be guided into developing a 3-page document addressing key aspects of the necessary research project in the targeted paper context. Every participant will walk away with an action plan and specific actions to be taken to progress in their paper writing, for example: key motivation and relevance statement, possible theory focus, proposed empirical focus and methods, key literature to be cited, right co-authors to work with (if any), which journal to target. With this “paper mission statement”, co-authors can converge into the same direction and speed up the writing process.

>> Register


“How to move from your PhD to your first paper” [English]

by Thierry Rayna - Professor in innovation management, i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Simcha Jong – Professor in innovation management, University College London, UK & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: PhD Candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Language: English

Description: In this session, participants will present a paper from their PhD thesis and receive targeted feedback in a conference style session to help them advance the paper for further development and submission to a journal.

Each participant will submit an extended abstract (5000 words max.) or full paper before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the document


>> Register


10:30-11:00 – Break


11:00-13:00 – Meet the Editors

with Ioana Stefan - Social Media Editor at R&D Management Journal

René Chester Goduscheit - Editor in Chief at Creativity and Innovation Management

Max von Zedtwitz - Editor at Technovation

Mette Praest Knudsen - Editor at Technovation 

and Emmanuelle Dubocage - Editor at Revue Innovations

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: During this session, participants will get the opportunity to meet editors from various journals in the field of management (Revue Innovations, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, Technovation, R&D Management Journal). The first part will be a group session (11:00-12:00).

Each participant will submit their questions to the speakers before Wednesday 20 March >> Send the questions

The second part will be a 1 to 1 session (12:00-13:00) during which participants will get the opportunity to speak directly with their selected editor for 5 to 10min.

>> Register


13:00-14:00 – Break


14:00-15:30 – Parallel Workshops

“Best practices for publishing” [English]

by Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: In this workshop, we will discuss best practices for improving you publication chances. Participants at different level of publication will work in groups, focusing on different parts of the publishing process. At the end of the workshop, a set of recommendations will be created and collected by the groups.

>> Register


“New Technologies for the Research Process” [English]

by Mette Praest Knudsen - Professor of innovation management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark & i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Pierre-Jean Barlatier - Professor of strategy and innovation, EDHEC Business School, France

Public: Academics

Language: English

Description: In this roundtable discussion, we will discuss best practices to use AI/BIG DATA in the research process and collect different experiences.

>> Register


15:30-18:30 – Pitch for Change: PhD Candidate Elevator Pitch Competition

with Ioana Stefan - Social Media Editor, R&D Management Journal

Max von Zedtwitz - Professor in innovation management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Visiting Professor at i3-CRG École polytechnique, France

and Anthony Coutant - Co-founder, HephIA

Public: PhD Candidates in management, economy or sociology

Language: English

Description: One PhD, 3 minutes : let's go!

IMPORTANT: The competition will be held in English.

The aim of this competition is to help PhD candidates improve their ability to present their research topics when time is limited and at informal gatherings (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.).

A jury made up of visiting professors and lecturers and researchers from the Technology for Change Research Chair will select the 3 best presentations based on the following criteria:

  • Originality of the subject
  • Quality of the narrative
  • Clarity and coherence of ideas
  • Enthusiasm

The 3 winners will be awarded the following prizes:

  • First place €500
  • Second place €250
  • Third place €100

>> Register