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Technology for Change Days | 2023

04 Apr. 2023 - 06 Apr. 2023
Following the success of its 1st edition in 2022, the Chair Technology for Change is pleased to invite you to the 2023 edition of the Technology for Change Days which will be happening from April 4 to 6 in Paris and the Saclay cluster.
Technology for Change Days | 2023

The goal of these Days is to take stock of the links between technology, society and industry in order to cross disciplines, rethink approaches and consider prospects for developing a virtuous technology capable of instigating lasting change.

This annual event is an open invitation to all experts, executives, managers, operational staff and citizens wishing to discuss and get involved in the co-development of modern and responsible technology that goes beyond limited "techno-solutionism".

By repositioning technological and social innovation at the heart of citizen debate, these days will offer a platform for exchange, dialogue and rapid response to the major societal and environmental challenges of the 21st century: climate change, scarcity of natural resources, permanence of social, cultural, health and economic inequalities.

This 2023 edition will be dedicated to providing answers to pressing questions on topics such as access to water, antibiotic resistance, inclusive innovation or Generative Artificial Intelligence, such as ChatGPT.

On Tuesday, April 4, the Meetings Opening Conference will be held at the Collège de France, from 1pm to 7:30pm. Registration is free but mandatory, and the number of places is limited.

IMPORTANT: Registration to these days is free but mandatory.


Opening Conference

Date: April 4, 2023
Location: Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris – Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre
Public: all public
Language: French & English - The conference will be translated

The Opening Conference of the Technology for Change Days of the Chair took place on April 4, 2023 from 1pm to 7:30pm at Collège de France in Paris. Open to a large public and organized around round tables, this day aims to explore the role played by technologies in the field of access to water, the fight against antibiotic resistance, innovation inclusive and will address the subject of Generative Artificial Intelligence, such as ChatGPT. This conference examines the question of the impact of technologies and the fundamental role of research in the design of tools and applications for sustainable development.

12:30 - Welcome

13:00 - Opening

13:15 - Water access: management and preservation - What are the current strategies and the challenges to overcome to place water at the center of sustainable development issues? with Pilar Acosta - Professor of Management Science (École polytechnique, IP Paris), Joel Ruet - Economist, CNRS Researcher (École polytechnique, IP Paris) & Marie-Laure Vercambre - Managing Director of the French Water Partnership

14:15 - Antibiotic resistance: What innovations tomorrow against one of the most serious threats to global health? with Jocelyne Arquembourg - Professor of Information and Communication Sciences (Télécom Paris, IP Paris), Anne-Chantal Gouget - CNRS Research Director and Deputy Director LPMC (École polytechnique, IP Paris), Benoit Pilmis - Infectious Disease Specialist (Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital) & Hannu Myllykallio - CNRS Research Director, Researcher at LOB (École polytechnique, IP Paris)

15:15 - Break

15:30 - Innovating without leaving anyone behind: inclusive innovation in R&D and in organizations & Launch of the Inclusive Innovation Observatory with Kim Helmbold - Vice-President Innovation Insights (Groupe SEB), Emmanuel Terrien - Head of Design Department (Atlantic Group), Sarah Richard - Researcher (Strasbourg School of Management), Sarah Lourdez - Capitalization, Research and Prospective Officer (Accenture Foundation) & Estelle Peyrard - Head of the Tech Lab (APF France Handicap) and Researcher in Management of Innovation (Polytechnic School, IP Paris)

16:45 - Break

17:00 - ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI: beyond the "hype", towards a new AI revolution? with Laetitia Kameni - AI R&D Project Manager (Accenture), Erwan Le Pennec - Professor of Applied Mathematics (École polytechnique, IP Paris), Guilhaume Leroy-Meline - Technical Director Data, IA, Edge, Automation and Blockchain Technologies (IBM) & Thierry Rayna - Professor of Innovation Management and Director of the Technology for Change Chair (École polytechnique, IP Paris)

18:00 - Technology & Sustainability: What developments? What perspectives? with Olivier Girard - President of Accenture France and Benelux, Éric Labaye - President of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Thierry Rayna - Professor of Innovation Management and Director of the Technology for Change Chair (École polytechnique, IP Paris)

19:00 - Closing

19:30 - Cocktail on invitation

Practical workshops for Companies

Date: April 5 & 6, 2023
Location: 118 avenue de France, 75013 Paris & Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Public: Companies, Entrepreneurs & Decision-makers
Language: French & English

The second and third days of the Technology for Change Days of the Chair took place on April 5 and 6, 2023 and were devoted to workshops organized for companies, entrepreneurs and decision-makers. These workshops, led by researchers from the Chair, put into practice the tools designed to offer directly actionable solutions.

Program of the practical workshops

Date: April 5 & 6, 2023
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm 1:30pm-4:30pm
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau (April 5) & 118 avenue de France, 75013 Paris (April 6)
Language: French


  • Thierry Rayna, Professor at École Polytechnique, researcher at the CNRS i³-CRG laboratory (UMR 9217), Director of the Technology for Change Chair
Description of the workshop

Appelée de tous ses vœux par une population légitimement de plus en plus inquiète, plébiscitée par les entreprises et pouvoirs publics, l’innovation responsable se heurte très souvent aux impératifs de rentabilité et de performance auxquels sont sujettes les entreprises. L’objectif de cet atelier est de fournir des outils (liés à l’innovation en business model, à la cartographie de l’écosystème, et à l’évaluation de l’impact) et une méthode permettant aux entreprises d’innover en réconciliant performance et impact, et de devenir porteuses d’innovation responsable.

Format de l’atelier :

Cet atelier se compose d’une partie formation, ayant pour but de présenter le contexte, les outils et la méthodologie (1/2 journée), et d’une partie mise en pratique (1/2 journée) pendant lesquels les participants pourront s’approprier les outils et la méthode en les appliquant à des cas concrets.

Partie formation :

Le but de cette première partie de journée est de présenter le contexte d’ensemble et les tendances de fond liées à l’innovation responsable. Partant de l’innovation technologique, vue comme les entreprises comme principal levier d’avantage concurrentiel, mais de nos jours fortement critiquée pour sa fréquente « irresponsabilité » (Linky, 5G…), un premier objectif de cette séance est de montrer, au contraire, le rôle prépondérant de l’innovation en business model, portée par une convergence toujours plus forte des technologies numériques. Ces dernières font en effet voler en éclat les traditionnelles chaines de valeur pour les remplacer par des réseaux de valeur (ou écosystèmes) complexes et mouvants, constitués de parties prenantes nombreuses et hétérogènes. Malheureusement, cette « nouvelle » réalité, dont les entreprises sont souvent conscientes, se heurte à des visions de la stratégie et de l’innovation qui, si elles ont fait leurs preuves dans l’ère prénumérique, sont de moins en moins adaptées à la réalité actuelle. Dans un tel contexte, une compréhension claire du rôle de l’innovation en business model, seule à même de garantir un avantage concurrentiel durable, est fondamentale. Ainsi, le premier outil présenté (le « 360º Value- Action Business Model Framework ») permettra d’établir un diagnostic des business models de l’entreprise et d’envisager des leviers d’innovations créateurs de valeurs.

Dans cette ère numérique, la création de valeur se fait cependant rarement seule. Par conséquent, une compréhension fine et exhaustive de l’écosystème d’affaires d’une entreprise, et la mise en place d’un mode de gouvernance et des mécanismes de capture de valeur appropriés sont absolument critiques ; c’est ce qui fait la différence entre croissance et déclin à un âge ou la concurrence ne se fait plus directement entre entreprises, mais par écosystèmes interposés. Le second outil présenté permettra de faire une cartographie exhaustive (comprenant les autres entreprises, les organismes de financement, les pouvoirs publics, le monde académique, la société civile, ainsi que les différentes composantes internes à l’entreprise mobilisées) des parties prenantes (actuelles ou désirées) de l’entreprise, ainsi que de leur implication (présente ou future) dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, ce qui est nécessaire à la conception et la mise en place de modes de gouvernances et de capture de valeur spécifiques à l’écosystème de l’entreprise, et en appui de l’innovation en business model.

Enfin, dans cette nouvelle ère, les parties prenantes impliquées dans la création et la capture de valeur ne sont pas toujours des entreprises ou d’autres acteurs intéressés par des considérations (uniquement) financières. Par ailleurs, les principaux bénéficiaires, ne sont pas nécessairement ceux disposés ou en mesure de payer. Il est donc absolument critique de pouvoir évaluer l’impact au sens large (économique, environnemental, social et sociétal) de l’entreprise, cet impact permettant justement d’envisager des moyens d’incorporer des parties prenantes dans la création de valeur, ainsi que trouver des moyens de capture de valeur (de « monétisation ») indirecte. C’est l’objectif du troisième outil présenté, qui a pour but une évaluation multicritères de l’impact sous ses quatre dimensions.

Partie atelier de mise en pratique :

En les appliquant à des cas concrets, les participants pourront manipuler et se familiariser avec les trois outils suivants :

– « 360º Value-Action Business Model Framework » : outil permettant de diagnostiquer les business models des entreprises dans le but d’identifier des sources d’innovation en business model porteuse d’innovation responsable.

– « Ecosystem Map » : outil permettant de cartographier l’écosystème de valeur de l’entreprise, selon le type de parties prenantes (entreprises, pouvoirs publics, société civile, organismes de financement…) et leur proximité/implication dans la création de valeur de l’entreprise, dans le but, notamment, d’identifier des parties prenantes qui, une fois impliquée, permettraient de soutenir des innovations en business model vecteurs d’innovation responsable.

– « Impact Assessment Framework » : outil permettant une évaluation quantitative et qualitative de l’impact de l’entreprise dans ses quatre dimensions (environnemental, sociale, sociétale et économique), afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’innovation et identifier des parties prenantes bénéficiaires de cet impact qu’il conviendrait d’impliquer.

Les participants pourront ensuite établir les liens entre ces trois outils, permettant de tester la cohérence entre business model, écosystème, et impact, permettant le développement et la mise en place concrète d’innovations responsables.

Date: April 5, 2023
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: 118 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Language: English


  • Mette Praest Knudsen: Professor of Innovation Management and Research Director at University of Southern Denmark and Professor (part-time) at Ecole Polytechnique at the Centre de Recherche en Gestion - Ecole Polytechnique and at the Chair “Technology for Change”
  • Max von Zedtwitz: Professor of International Business and Innovation (Copenhagen Business School), Visiting Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and Part-time professor at the Kaunas University of Technology
Description of the workshop

No matter how good you are at new product development (NPD), the “Red Queen Effect” ensures that only those better at innovation than their peers will ultimately succeed. In this workshop, we will talk about the Red Queen Effect in innovation and how best practice benchmarking accelerates upgrading and improvement of product development management. We do this in the context of the PDMA’s (Product Development Management Association) NPD Best Practices Survey, a global study of NPD and innovation that was carried out in more than 30 countries in 2020.

This workshop will show the current trends and best practices for managers of NPD and Innovation. Besides talking about the Red Queen Effect on innovation, we will use results from the global survey to discuss challenges and practices in small groups.

Learn more about the PDMA here

Date: April 5, 2023
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Language: English


  • Valeria Dammicco: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Chair Technology for Change, École Polytechnique (Paris) and Research Collaborator at the Centre for Technology Management at the University of Cambridge (UK)
Description of the workshop

The workshop is intended to help collaborative spaces unpack and analyse their business model. By attending this workshop, you will learn to use a strategic innovation management tool developed by Prof. Thierry Rayna that you can use in your organisation to solve organisational challenges. The workshop will be highly focused on building a discussion and collaboratively reflect with others upon your challenges and how to overcome them.

Date: April 5, 2023
Hours: 1:30pm-4:30pm
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Language: French

Workshop of the Interdisciplinary Center Engineering for Health (E4H) with:

  • Jocelyne Arquembourg, Professor of Information adn Communication Sciences, Télécom Paris, IP Paris
Description of the workshop

Une course s'engage contre les résistances bactériennes auxquelles nous avons de plus en plus de mal à répondre par des traitements conventionnels. Face à cette menace planétaire, nous devons nous adapter en développant de nouvelles approches, plus interdisciplinaires et plus ouvertes à l'ensemble des acteurs de la lutte contre l'antibiorésistance. L’objectif de cet atelier est de poser les bases du cluster de demain qui alliera ingénierie biomédicale et sciences sociales, secteurs académique et industriels, acteurs du soin et de la prévention, pour lutter plus efficacement contre l'antibiorésistance.

Cet atelier s’adresse en particulier (mais non exclusivement) aux :

- Chercheurs

- Cliniciens

- Startups

- Membres de comités exécutifs ou responsables stratégie, innovation, R&D d'entreprises

Format de l’atelier :

Durant cet atelier collaboratif, les participants auront l'opportunité de travailler à la conceptualisation d'un cluster capable d'apporter des solutions pratiques à la lutte contre l'antibiorésistance, en répondant à ces 3 questions : Quelles attentes des acteurs ? Quel apports ? Quelles actions pourraient être mises en place ?

Date: April 5, 2023
Hours: 1:30pm-4:30pm
Location: 118 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Language: English


  • Max von Zedtwitz: Professor of International Business and Innovation (Copenhagen Business School), Visiting Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and Part-time professor at the Kaunas University of Technology
Description of the workshop

Frugal innovation is an operational strategy that targets a significant lifecycle reduction of costs through defeaturing and cost innovation, but also through refeaturing, repositioning, and reconfiguring the supply chain. The principles of frugal innovation applied to the entire firm lay the foundations for a frugalization capability (resp. frugal business innovation) that can be used proactively and defensively against disruptive innovators. In this workshop, using case examples from Europe and beyond, we explore the individual functions that frugal innovation entails, and the tradeoffs organizations will need to make when adopting frugalization as a new strategy.

Public: Particularly (but not exclusively) for managers of all functions: general management, R&D, innovation, production, supply chain, manufacturing, industrial engineering, marketing, product management.

Date: April 6, 2023
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: 118 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Language: English


  • Mette Praest Knudsen: Professor of Innovation Management and Research Director at University of Southern Denmark and Professor (part-time) at Ecole Polytechnique at the Centre de Recherche en Gestion - Ecole Polytechnique and at the Chair “Technology for Change”
Description of the workshop

This workshop introduces the importance of innovation and why it is challenging for many companies. We introduce innovation as a process and show the variety and types of barriers that any innovation process may encounter. The workshop will allow the companies to work on own experienced challenges and will offer insights from research to understand how to manage the barriers. We will use a tool to identify barriers and solutions and the participants will plan for specific actions to address the barriers.

Date: April 6, 2023 - Postponed
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Language: French

>> Postponed to a later date


  • Estelle Peyrard, researcher associated with i3-CRG, UMR CNRS 9217, École polytechnique, IP Paris and head of the TechLab of APF France handicap
Description of the workshop

La conception des produits crée de l’exclusion dont les ingénieurs, développeurs ou designers sont souvent peu conscients. On parle d’exclusion by design. Or en améliorant le caractère inclusif d’un produit, on peut à la fois améliorer la qualité et le confort d’usage pour tous mais aussi trouver de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Dans ce jeu, nous travaillerons sur la notion d’utilisateur extrême (personne en situation de handicap, personnes âgées, personnes en situation de précarité, etc.) afin de mesurer l’exclusion créée par quelques produits d’usage courant et d’imaginer des améliorations grâce aux principes de la conception universelle.

Date: April 6, 2023
Hours: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Language: English


  • Costantino Romeo, PhD student in Management and member of the Chair Technology for Change, École Polytechnique (Paris)
Description of the workshop

The concept of gamification has been increasingly used for facilitating discussions among heterogeneous actors aiming to propose recommendations such as innovation policies. This workshop simulates the interaction among different stakeholders in order to implement possible solutions regarding large-scale social issues such technology, environment, or healthcare.


- Introduction of gamification as a practice at the intersection between research, industry, and policy-making

- Identification of the main challenges regarding the large-scale topics proposed

- Identification of the initial expectations regarding actors' responsibilities and actions to be implemented


- Learning about a methodology useful for actors involved in proposing innovation policies through a cooperative approach

- Learning about boardgames as research methods for collective methods, such as focus-groups

- Proposal for ice-breaking activities for workshop organisers

Rencontres Interdisciplinaires

Date: April 6, 2023
Location: Drahi-X Novation Center, Avenue Coriolis, Palaiseau
Public: Researchers of the IP Paris ecosystem
Language: French & English

The first part of this half-day consists in 3 seminars from guests of the Technology for Change Chair coming from Dublin, Copenhagen & Odense.

The seminars was followed by an 'Elevator Pitch'-like Competition for doctoral students.

This fun activity aims to help students to improve their ability to present their research topic in a short amont of time and during informal gatherings (conferences, seinars, workshops, etc.)

A jury made up of visiting professors as well as teachers and researchers from the Technology for Change Chair selected the 3 best presentations according to the following criteria:

- Originality of the subject

- The quality of the story

- Clarity and consistency of ideas

- Enthusiasm

The 3 winners were awarded the following prizes:

- First place 500€

- Second place 250€

- Third place 100€


Program of the seminar

  • Dr. Melissa Goodside Beach, assistant professor in Innovation Management (University of Southern Denmark)

We use a dominant organizational value logic lens to analyze workforce interpretations about the value propositions for innovating, objects of economic exchange, and value generation efforts found in a legacy company’s instructions and explanations regarding digital transformation-related approaches, challenges and solutions.

The study portrays how existing dominant product-centric logics are nudged by new realities during digital transformation efforts, paving the way towards an emerging solution-centered dominant logic.

We find digital transformation-related organizational value logics to be 1) situationally emergent—i.e., differentiated in different innovation phases; and 2) defined originally through top-down scoping and vision to commence the ideation phase but then shifting during ongoing efforts to move from innovation ideation to incubation and from incubation to acceleration phases with bottom-up pressure as the workforce recognizes a need for new ways of working to overcome digital innovation barriers and challenges during their efforts to achieve viable, scalable, digital solutions.

  • Prof. Rosa Chun, professor in Global Leadership, Reputation and Responsibility (University College Dublin)

A good reputation is vital to the success of organizations. Corporate reputation is referred to as being the perception that are formed based on evaluation of past performance, behaviour and history; and the strong reputation in turn is an indicator for future success. The rules of the reputation management is changing in light of the disruptive technology brought by the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, the mobility industry is making a historical paradigm shift towards autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and ride-sharing services.

Here, young start-ups who have little proven record or reputation are showing strong leadership in the electric vehicle market, outperforming the top reputable car brands. The article first introduces four new rules of linking reputation to performance for the top brands as well as for the start-ups in order to remain competitive in the future mobility. It moves away from the ranking-based approach to reputation, by taking the character-based approach which uses the company as person metaphor. Using the Corporate Character Scale and the Reputation Gap theory, the article suggests for an inside-out approach to reputation management around Adventure character for the top car brands, and Integrity character for the new entrants for the future mobility; that any rebranding project focusing on Adventure or Integrity should make sure that the internal reputation (perceived by employees) is superior to the external reputation (perceived by customers) on the same character dimensions of the mobility brand.

  • Prof. Max von Zedtwitz, professor of International Business and Innovation (Copenhagen Business School), visiting Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and part-time professor at the Kaunas University of Technology

China has morphed from a low-cost manufacturing country to a high-growth consumer market. In the future, China will become a source of cutting-edge technologies. This transition, which took place in less than forty years, has a huge impact not only on foreign companies operating in China but on companies (and governments) worldwide, not least also on Chinese firms leveraging these evolving strengths proficiently when competing for markets overseas.