Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis


Become a partner of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Thanks to its close ties with many large corporations, midcaps and smaller companies, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris is constantly creating connections between its students, faculty members, labs and the business world.

Recruit tomorrow's talent and work with a training program of excellence

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris with its 5 member schools trains more than 7,000 students to become high-level professionals meeting the needs of companies working towards the future. The objective of training partnerships is to accompany students towards the economic world, by helping them to better understand the challenges of different sectors and professions, as well as to develop their soft skills. Career centers also offer a multitude of activities to improve your employer brand, facilitate recruitment and develop your CSR.

Examples of training partnerships:

  • Campus partnership
  • Teaching chair
  • Event sponsorship
  • Sponsorship program (scholarships)
  • Participation in forums
  • Support for student associations
  • Tailor-made action

Support cutting-edge disciplinary and interdisciplinary research to address economic and social challenges

The Institute has a unique organization to stimulate interdisciplinary research and foster partnerships with businesses. It is committed to combining fundamental research and engineering.

Examples of research partnerships:

  • Supervision of PhD students (e.g.  CIFRE)
  • Research chair
  • Joint Laboratory
  • Interdisciplinary center
  • H2020 / ANR / PIA projects
  • Consortium

Become part of a highly innovative ecosystem to imagine and develop the technologies of the future

The campus offers services and facilities to transform scientific excellence into economic value creation and to foster the creation of startup/spinoff companies and the use of Intellectual Property.

Examples of innovation partnerships:

  • Drahi-X Novation Center
  • Telecom Paris Novation Center
  • DataStorm
  • Patents/Licenses
  • Technology platforms

Train your employees and benefit from cutting-edge scientific and technological expertise

The Institute offers diploma, certification and short programs for executives, managers, engineers and scientists. Our consulting services also enable you to develop your R&D by relying on the expertise of the researchers and laboratories of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Examples of expertise partnerships:

  • Polytechnique Executive Education
  • ENSAE-ENSAI Lifelong learning
  • Telecom Evolution
  • “State of the art” / “expert” consulting
  • Excubation (Drahi-X Novation Center)
  • AIculturation
  • FX Council
  • DataStorm

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a wide range of possible collaborations, both standard and tailor-made: contact our team now to explore these opportunities.


IP Paris in the Top 50 best universities worldwide for its first ranking QS World University Ranking

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) enters the Top 50 in its first ranking of QS’ World University Rankings 2022, in 49th position. IP Paris is ranked 15th worldwide in terms of employer reputation of its graduates.
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris is recognized as a reference institution at the international level. Its results in rankings are proof of the intensive work carried out jointly by the École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis to embody the excellence of French education and research.
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Innovation: the start-ups of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, gems of French technology

28 start-ups from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris ecosystem feature in the Next 40 and FrenchTech 120 indexes.
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Polytechnique Insights: the new review of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris launches Polytechnique Insights, an online review dedicated to understanding research and innovation issues in science and technology-related fields.
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E4C - Interdisciplinary Center on Energy and Climate Change

The interdisciplinary Energy4Climate Center (E4C) launched in June 2019 by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and École des Ponts ParisTech is involved in the energy transition through research, training and innovation. Nearly 30 laboratories are working...
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The Institut Polytechnique de Paris has pursued an ambitious partnership policy by joining forces with prestigious international higher education institutions and building bridges between its education, research and innovation activities and the business world.
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MOOCS allow you to learn with flexibility and agility, at your own pace. Some MOOCS will also allow you to obtain a certificate to enrich your CV, an additional asset in building your career.
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Lifelong learning

With its curriculum of excellence in line with the needs of the economic world, lifelong learning at the member schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris enables employees to develop their skills and allows companies to cultivate knowledge and know-how internally to boost their competitiveness.
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Advanced Master’s

An Advanced Master’s is a one-year course leading to a post-Master's degree (“Bac+6”), accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
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Innovation and entrepreneurship

Along with education and research, innovation is one of three strategic pillars on which the Institut Polytechnique de Paris is based.
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Access and mobility on campus

The Palaiseau campus and the Évry campus of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris are dynamic and pleasant areas, located on the outskirts of Paris.
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