Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Page - IP Paris

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Here are our official IP Paris accounts (tag us so we can share your posts too!):Linkedin @institutpolytechniquedeparis Facebook @institutpolytechniquedeparis Instagram @ip_paris_ Twitter @IP_Paris_ Youtube @institutpolytechniquedeparisOur main hashtags to use:#IPParis #Institut…
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News - IP Paris

HERACLES³ : le premier laboratoire commun sur les lasers intenses d'IP Paris

L’Institut Polytechnique de Paris, le CNRS et Thales ont signé aujourd'hui un partenariat pour la création d’un laboratoire commun pour la recherche et le développement des lasers intenses. Le laboratoire commun HERACLES³ (Hautes Energies pour la Recherche en ACcélération Laser d’Electrons et Sourc…
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News - IP Paris

IP Paris in the top 80 most powerful universities in the world

In just one year, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) gained almost 55 seats and enters the Top 80 worldwide (from 126-150 in 2021 to 71-80 in 2022) of the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2022.
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News - IP Paris

L’Institut Polytechnique de Paris lance une offre « Executive Education » sur le quantique

Dans le contexte de l'émergence des technologies quantiques qui transcendent le monde de la science et de l’innovation, et convaincu que le quantique jouera un rôle clé pour répondre aux grands défis mondiaux, IP Paris lance une offre de formation continue dédiée au quantique. Cette initiative est …
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News - IP Paris

"Impact Native": when sustainability is at the heart of entrepreneurship

If social and environmental impact is becoming key for all companies, how can we analyse the specific case of young innovative startups, for whom impact is still only an ambition? A study conducted by researchers in Management Sciences at the École Polytechnique and the Technology for Change Resear…
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News - IP Paris

11 projets deeptech lauréats de l'Appel à Projets Premat' 2022

Depuis sa création, l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris accompagne ses chercheurs dans leurs projets innovants et issus de ses laboratoires grâce à l’Appel à Projet Prémat' (prématuration). Son objectif : construire l’adéquation invention-marché et réaliser une première preuve de concept du projet po…
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News - IP Paris

14 Deeptech Projects Winners of the 2023 Prémat’ Call for Projects

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) celebrates the fifth edition of its Prémat’ Call for Projects. Since its creation, this call for projects has seen a steady increase in momentum and has helped identify and fund innovative research projects providing crucial support by identifying innovat…
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News - IP Paris

17 startups IP Paris à SPRING 2023

This year, SPRING 50-2023-Paris Saclay Spring will take place on June 1st, 2023 at HEC Paris. The event is a platform that aims to showcase innovative startups and provide invaluable opportunities for entrepreneurs to present their groundbreaking ideas. IP Paris will present 17 startups as well as …
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News - IP Paris

2020 E4C Student Challenge: discover the winners

The virtual awards ceremony for the first edition of the E4C Student Challenge highlighted the projects of more than a hundred students from 10 different institutions, committed to the energy transition of metropolises.
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News - IP Paris

21 IP Paris startups at VivaTech 2022

Join the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) for the 6th edition of Viva Technology, Europe's largest startup and tech event, from June 15 to 18, 2022 on booth C48. IP Paris will be presenting 21 startups from its three incubators: Drahi-X Novation Center, Télécom Paris Incubator and IMT Sta…
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