Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Faculty member

Institut Polytechnique de Paris’ Faculty in a few figures:

  • 2100 faculty members
  • 43 research laboratories
  • 68 teaching and research chairs   
  • 4700 publications per year

5 main research partners :

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When bacteria become resistant

Antibiotic resistance is a major public health problem today. At the crossroads of human, animal and ecosystem health, it needs to be tackled in a global way (One Health), and calls for a different approach to research, also involving civil society...
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Consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris wins a €70million call for AI Cluster projects

The consortium led by IP Paris and HEC Paris, and including Inria, CNRS, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Université de Technologie de Troyes, won the AI Cluster call for projects. Based on the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial...
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Two EuroTech conferences dedicated to African research and water protection

The EuroTech University Alliance, of which IP Paris is one of six members, is organizing two conferences on Tuesday June 4, in Brussels and online, on two very different yet intertwined topics : developing excellent research in Africa and resilient water...
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"Impact Native": when sustainability is at the heart of entrepreneurship

If social and environmental impact is becoming key for all companies, how can we analyse the specific case of young innovative startups, for whom impact is still only an ambition? A study conducted by researchers in Management Sciences at the École...
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Christopher Cripps appointed Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs of IP Paris

Christopher Cripps will soon join the Institut Polytechnique de Paris as Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs. His mission: to contribute to making IP Paris a global benchmark for French scientific and technological excellence through a...
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IP Paris and Polytechnique Montreal signed strategic partnership agreement

Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Polytechnique Montreal signed a strategic agreement in Montreal on Friday, April 12, strengthening their collaboration in research, education, innovation and entrepreneurship. The agreement was signed as part of the...
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Drones in the Service of Health Logistics

Conducted among Danish citizens, a study led by a team of researchers based in Denmark, Canada, and France, within the Technology for Change Research Chair at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, explores whether citizens will resist the use of drones...
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Three researchers from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris awarded ERC Advanced grants

Charles Baroud, researcher and associate professor at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory* (LadHyX) at École polytechnique, Olivier Gossner, CNRS research director at the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics** (CREST) affiliate of the École...
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A day of Francophonie at IP Paris

On March 19, 2024, IP Paris' International Center for French Language and Culture organized an International Francophonie Day at École Polytechnique. This was an opportunity for international students to discover a special guest, French-Algerian writer...
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Elie Kadoche, IP Paris candidate, qualified in the National Final of the MT 180 competition

Elie Kadoche, one of the two candidates from IP Paris participating in the national semi-final of "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes" competition, has qualified for the final on Friday, March 29, 2024. Join us in Nice on June 5, 2024!
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