Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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The IP Paris departments bring together the researchers and research lecturers from its five Schools by discipline. They collectively define the content of the academic programs and also the collaborative research projects undertaken within IP Paris. The departments strengthen the human and financial resource requirements in line with the objectives of IP Paris and its five Schools.
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Department of Information, Communication and Electronics

Disciplinary research at Institut Polytechnique de Paris is based on the expertise of its founding schools. Information Communications and Electronics (ICE) is one of ten disciplinary research fields bringing together top researchers and PhD students at state-of-the art laboratories and facilities.
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Disciplinary expertise, interdisciplinary research, international and industrial partnerships: for three centuries now, our five Schools have been contributing to major scientific discoveries and technological revolutions.
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Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Disciplinary research at Institut Polytechnique de Paris is based on the expertise of its founding schools. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is one of ten disciplinary research fields bringing together top researchers and PhD students at state-of-the art laboratories and facilities.
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Department of Biology

Disciplinary research at Institut Polytechnique de Paris is based on the expertise of its founding schools. Biology is one of ten disciplinary research fields bringing together top researchers and PhD students at state-of-the art laboratories.
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PhD Programs

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a PhD training program open to the best national and international students, enabling them to work in cutting-edge research topics.
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Hi! PARIS : New Interdisciplinary Center on AI & Data

On 16 September, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and HEC Paris launched Hi! PARIS, their new Center on AI & data in presence of their leadership, corporate funders, researchers and with exceptional participation of Cédric O, Minister of State for Digital...
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PhD program at IP Paris: Expanding the boundaries of science

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a globally-recognized PhD program. Through its excellence and ambition, the PhD program prepares students for outstanding scientific careers in academia and industry, whether in France or abroad.
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Disciplinary and interdisciplinary centers

The Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Centers of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris combine the expertise of the researchers and partners to address major societal issues through the complementary viewpoints and methodologies of each discipline. By combining their views, know-how and methods in a spirit of openness, the researchers thus provide original and innovative solutions to the major challenges of our century.
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