Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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PhD students' day organized by the department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence

On June 10th, the Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence (IDIA) department of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris held a special day for its PhD students.
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Biomedical engineering symposium: what projects at the IP Paris level?

A catalyst for exchanges between doctors and researchers, the second symposium on biomedical engineering took place on Friday 11 June 2021. This event was an opportunity to discover the research currently being carried out at the Institut Polytechnique de...
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Three PhD Thesis Awards

Three PhD thesis prizes have been awarded by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris to Clémence Tricaud in economics, Ambre Bouillant in fluid mecanics and Boris Muzellec in mathematics
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E4C contributes to the First Report on Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Sea

Involving researchers from the interdisciplinary centre Energy4Climate (E4C) on climate studies and economics, the first report "Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin - Current situation and risks for the future" (MAR1) has just been...
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New step in the deployment of research at IP Paris: official launch of 4 EUR

At the end of 2019, 4 Research Graduate School projects were selected as part of the French investment in the future plan demonstrating the excellence of IP Paris' academic project and reinforcing the dynamic cooperation that has been in place since its...
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