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New step in the deployment of research at IP Paris: official launch of 4 EUR

02 Nov. 2020
At the end of 2019, 4 Research Graduate School projects were selected as part of the French investment in the future plan demonstrating the excellence of IP Paris' academic project and reinforcing the dynamic cooperation that has been in place since its creation.
New step in the deployment of research at IP Paris: official launch of 4 EUR

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris aims to develop a common research and education strategy, including the creation of major initiatives such as interdisciplinary centers promoting multidisciplinary interaction between laboratories and teaching programs. The 4 winning projects were developed in partnership with the CNRS and several other education and research institutions. These projects integrate a strong international dimension and maintain close links with economic actors. All the funds allocated represent a total budget of 14 million euros over 10 years.

Today is the official launch of theses 4 Research Graduate School projects of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris which will represent a valuable asset in the development of the Institute's doctoral and master’s programs:


  • BERTIP, a training program in biomedical engineering
  • E4C, Interdisciplinary Energy Institute
  • PLASMA_ST, Plasma Science and Education
  • DATA EFM, Data Sciences for Social Sciences


2019  Press Release "L'Institut Polytechnique de Paris lauréat de 4 EUR"

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