Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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PhD student

The PhD student community at a glance

  • 950 PhD students
  • 230 post-doctoral fellows


By pooling the disciplinary expertise and research facilities of its five founding schools, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers ideal conditions for researchers and future researchers. Pursuing a PhD at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris means benefitting from optimal support to innovate and expand the frontiers of knowledge. The internationally-recognized doctoral degree opens up high-level career opportunities in both the public and private sector.

PhD Students

Useful information:


Equal Opportunity Center

The mission of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Equal Opportunity Center is to carry out IP Paris's equal opportunity strategy and implement an ambitious policy, in line with the commitments made in its 2022-2026 Contract of Objectives and Performance and the equal opportunity initiatives already undertaken by its member schools.
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L'Oréal-Unesco Jeunes Talents 2023 prize goes to Margaux Zaffran

A strong dose of curiosity, a deep desire to understand the world and a pinch of happy encounters... this is briefly Margaux Zaffran's recipe for success. At the age of 27, this doctoral student in the 3rd year of her thesis with EDF R&D, Inria...
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Tomorrow's materials: the advantages of paper, plus resistance to humidity?

Camille Duprat, a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and researcher at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*), was awarded the ERC Consolidator grant in 2023 for her ElCapiTex research project.
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris brochures

Welcome booklet Master and PhD Track - IP Paris Welcome booklet PhD students - IP Paris The student-entrepreneur guide Engineering Programs Master, PhD & Engineering Programs Objectives and Performance Contract 2022-2026 Annual Reports - IP Paris...
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Fighting against harassment, discrimination and sexist or sexual violence (HDSSV)

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is aware that, like all higher education and research institutions, no one is completely safe from discrimination or harassment. To raise awareness and provide fast, effective help to victims, the Institute has set up a number of actions and resources.
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E4H Annual Forum 2023

The 2023 E4H Annual Forum brought together over 200 participants to discuss major issues in the field of life sciences and health. 34 prizes and scholarships were awarded. Discover the winners.
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Operation CIEDS is back in 2024! A day on defence and security

IP Paris and its partners invite you to Operation CIEDS 2024: a day of meetings between science, innovation and industry players to discuss their achievements and ambitions in the field of defence and security.
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Operation CIEDS 2023: A day on defense and security

IP Paris and its partners invite you to Operation CIEDS 2023: a day of meetings between science, innovation and industry players to discuss their achievements and ambitions in defense and security.
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CIEDS & Pascal Broquard: A Shared Perspective on Innovation within Special Forces

The Interdisciplinary Center CIEDS had the pleasure of hosting and interviewing Pascal Broquard, a former Special Forces member and consultant in human factors, leadership, and crisis management, for a shared perspective on innovation within the special...
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris at Viva Technology 2023

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) will be present at the 7th edition of Viva Technology (Paris Expo Porte de Versailles), from June 14 to 17, 2023 at the stand C42. IP Paris will present 21 start-ups and invites you to discover their innovations...
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CIEDS Conference "Capitalizing on a culture of innovation: the example of the Gendarmerie"

Join a new conference of the "2ID" series organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Defense and Security Studies (CIEDS) of Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris). The Gendarmerie Officer Rémy Nollet will speak on March 23, 2023 from 6:00 to 7:00...
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