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Key transformations for Institut Polytechnique de Paris from the 1st quarter of 2024

17 Nov. 2023
Thierry Coulhon, officially appointed Acting Chairman of the Board of Institut Polytechnique de Paris on September 27, has received an engagement letter signed by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Bruno Le Maire. The letter instructs him to "prefigure key transformations at Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and take over its executive management".
Key transformations for Institut Polytechnique de Paris from the 1st quarter of 2024

Thierry Coulhon, who has been entrusted with the mission of leading this transformation, will carry out his actions within the framework of the 2022-2026 objectives and performance contract, defining the strategic orientations for the Institute's change of scale. The development axes cover education, research, innovation and the creation of a sustainable campus of international standards.

At the heart of this transformation is the goal of moving from a cooperative establishment between five schools to an integrated institution, particularly in key areas such as research and innovation, while respecting the history and specificity of each school.

After a successful first phase, Thierry Coulhon's mission is to lead the Institute into a second phase of evolution, so that IP Paris is "recognized internationally as a leading scientific and technological institution".

A new configuration for the first quarter of 2024

The publication of the final decrees in April 2024 will mark a new stage for IP Paris. The institute will then need a dedicated organization, while maintaining a strong link with École polytechnique.

The institutional arrangements that will be put in place are as follows:

  • A shared non-executive chairman of the Board of Directors (BOD) of both IP Paris and the École Polytechnique. The Board of Directors will be responsible for defining the major orientations of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and will act as a "supervisory board";
  • A Chairman of the Executive Committee at IP Paris, who will report to the Supervisory Board. The Chairman of the Executive Committee will participate in the governance of IP Paris member schools, at the very least through participation in the schools' Boards of Directors;
  • An executive general management team at École polytechnique.

In this new configuration, the member schools will retain their legal identity, while IP Paris will continue to integrate other institutions of excellence. Major statutory and strategic changes are planned, such as the transfer of competencies in research, innovation and international attractiveness to IP Paris, top-level international recruitment, the strengthening of academic partnerships and the simplification of budgetary processes.

This phase of "profound transformation", scheduled for 2024, aims to lay the foundations needed to make Institut Polytechnique de Paris a major player in France's scientific and technological influence. The ambition is clear: to contribute to France's economic, industrial and defense sovereignty.