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IP Paris Research Day 2024

26 Sep. 2024
On Thursday, 19th September, 2024, IP Paris held its 3rd Research Day, an annual event organized by a committee of researchers and doctoral students. This initiative brings together the scientific community to offer an overview of the research being carried out in IP Paris laboratories. This year's program featured 20 speakers from various fields, all united around the theme of light. Nearly 160 participants attended the event, including the inaugural lecture by Pierre Agostini, Professor Emeritus at the Ohio State University and 2023 Nobel Prize laureate in Physics.
IP Paris Research Day 2024

A look back at the 2024 edition

IP Paris Research Day 2024

Organized by a committee of researchers and doctoral scholars, the aim of this convivial day is to bring our community together to present a panorama of research. 

The day began with an exceptional opening lecture by Pierre Agostini, Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University and winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for the first measurement of attosecond light pulses, carried out at the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée (LOA)*.

The scientific program covered a wide range of research fields, with individual and collaborative presentations by IP Paris researchers on the theme of light.

Two workshops were offered to participants to enhance their knowledge:

  • Scientific communication, thanks to the expertise of Elevate Center
  • Open science and information assets protection carried out by experts from the CEA, the CIEDS (IP Paris interdisciplinary center) and the DRSD (French security agency which is part of the Ministry of Armed Forces).

Various IP Paris services and interdisciplinary centers took part of the event to present their activities to researchers, PhD scholars and students.

The scientific poster exhibition sparked also numerous discussions.

*LOA: a joint research unit CNRS, École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France

Scientific committee 

The 2024 scientific committee is made up of five researchers and two PhD students from the IP Paris laboratories.

Natalia Kushik, Stefan Haessler, Antoine Gamet, Olivier Guaitella, Thierry Kamionka, Van-Tam Nguyen, Marie Sigallon
Natalia Kushik, Stefan Haessler, Antoine Gamet, Olivier Guaitella, Thierry Kamionka, Van-Tam Nguyen, Marie Sigallon