Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Masters of Science and Technology

The Masters of Science and Technology of École Polytechnique are two-year programs delivering a Master's degree (5 years’ higher education).
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Advanced Master’s

An Advanced Master’s is a one-year course leading to a post-Master's degree (“Bac+6”), accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers Master’s programs in fundamental and applied sciences with an international focus. Taught by leading academics and renowned experts, our Master’s programs prepare graduates to engineer industrial innovations and shape tomorrow’s world with the latest advances in research.
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Graduate school

The Graduate School of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers high-level training courses that provide the knowledge and skills needed to pursue an exciting career.
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The variety of backgrounds within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris student community are a powerful marker of its identity. Whatever your background, your interests, and your ambitions, you will find the course that suits you. Course Finder IP Paris...
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Chemistry Program

Master Year 1 Chemistry and Interfaces Master Year 2 Materials Chemistry and Interfaces Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces PhD track Advanced materials Chemistry and Interfaces
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Biology and Health Program

Master Year 1 Biology and Health Master Year 2 Biology and Health PhD tracks Bioengineering and Quantitative Life Sciences
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Applied Mathematics and Statistics Program

Master Year 1 Applied mathematics and statistics Master Year 2 Data Science Mathematical Modelling Probability and Finance (description in French only) Statistics, Finance and Actuarial Science PhD tracks Mathematics Data and Artifical intelligence
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Master Year 2 Probability and Finance

Année d’étude Master 2 Programme Probabilité et Finance Crédits ECTS 60 Langue français Orientation professionnel, recherche Lieu Campus de Palaiseau; Campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université Sciences (Jussieu) Durée de la formation 12 mois...
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