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The successful launch of the 2nd MOOC from IP Paris International Center for French Language and Culture

08 Apr. 2024
The International Center for French Language and Culture of IP Paris launched in January 2024 its new MOOC "Comprendre la France, Advanced French Language and Culture", an advanced online course on French and Francophone cultures. Three months later, it's already a sucess.
The successful launch of the 2nd MOOC from IP Paris International Center for French Language and Culture

The International Center for Language and Culture of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, whose primary purpose is to create links between all internationals, French-speaking or not, on campus, has been offering a new MOOC "Comprendre la France, Advanced French Language and Culture" since January 22, 2024.  With more than 9,000 registrants at this stage, the beginning is more than promising.

Advanced level C1-C2, the MOOC is aimed at all people who speak and/or learn French, and wish to develop a better mastery of the subtleties of the language and a better understanding of French and Francophone cultures. It covers six themes: Paris, cultural capital ; Great figures in history ; Science and technology in France ; Politics and French institutions ; Contemporary debates in France and France and French in the world.

"Comprendre la France, Advanced French Language and Culture" was conceived and directed by Olivier Bertrand, Isabelle Schaffner and Julie André, respectively director, deputy director and academic manager of the international centre. This teaching team is already behind the "Etudier en France" online course (B1 -B2) for intermediate students. 

A comprehensive education

"The great launch of the advanced MOOC, like the success of the previous one, can no doubt be explained by the fact that we offer a comprehensive course, with all skills covered each week (written expression, oral expression, written comprehension, oral comprehension) and that our course is mainly cultural (museums of the week, openness to the arts, etc.)," explains Olivier Bertrand, recalling that the intermediate level MOOC has already attracted over half a million registrants.

The second series does not replace the C1 or C2 level tests, the MOOC "Understanding France, Advanced French Language and Culture", but is an excellent springboard for thousands of international students wishing to study in a French-speaking country.

 "These courses are the result of the full involvement of French teachers from the International Center for French Language and Culture and the Department of Languages and Cultures of IP Paris. Some of us have almost 25 years of experience teaching French as a foreign language. It is above all the fruit of collaborative work , "adds Isabelle Schaffner.

In the footsteps of the first MOOC

This last series of courses is a continuation of the intermediate level MOOC (B1 – B2) "Etudier en France". It has so far totaled nearly 590,000 and was in 77th place in the ranking of the 250 most visited online courses since their inception, established two years ago by the aggregator of Moocs Class Central.

The International Center for French Language and Culture focuses on three distinct areas: culture, research and academia.

Its objective is to carry out actions with high international visibility on campus, to create a real synergy around French programs for all international students and researchers and to clearly present the multiple actions of IP Paris in terms of French studies within all its programs (in English and French).

The International Center for French Language and Culture brings together all the cultural, scientific and academic activities for internationals (students, researchers and staff) integrating the Institute and its five founding schools: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and SudTélécom Paris.