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Biomedical Engineering Master Open Day

Discover for half a day our Master's programme in BioMedical Engineering (BME) and the campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Biomedical Engineering Master Open Day

Are you a bachelor or a grand école student and want to continue your career in biomedical engineering ? Attend the Open Day of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) master’s program. 

Wednesday June 11, 2024
2pm - 5pm
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau

Participants will have the opportunity to attend a program presentation by Abdul Barakat, Co-director of the E4H Center and BME master’s coordinator, visit Institut Polytechnique de Paris campus and laboratories, and exchange with current students and professors.

> Sign-up now

Compulsory registration by April 6


X-Novation Center
École polytechnique
Route de Saclay
> Access map


02.00pm – Welcome coffee

02.15pm – Presentation of the BME master’s program

  • Abdul Barakat, Co-director of the E4H Center and BME master’s coordinator

03.00pm – IP Paris Campus visit

04.00pm – Exchange with students