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Serge Schoen New Synergies Grant Program

Serge Schoen New Synergies Grant Program

The Engineering for Health (E4H) Interdisciplinary Center of IP Paris invites applications for its Serge Schoen New Synergies Grant Program.

This program, financed by a generous gift from Mr. Serge Schoen, provides funding for novel research projects focused on the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations between E4H faculty members. The program aims to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations within the E4H community by supporting exploratory projects involving at least two IP Paris researchers from two different laboratories. Applications involving collaborations between different IP Paris institutions are especially encouraged.

For the 2025 cycle, 1 Kick-starter grant will be awarded.

A Kick-starter grant has a duration of 18 months and a budget of 36 000 euros (20% management costs included). Eligible expenditures include:

  • Laboratory costs (supplies, documentation and digital resources, equipment, consumables, etc.)
  • Costs related to the deployment of the project through campus life actions, services, internships, and communication actions

Kick-starter grantees are expected to apply together for a national or international grant within 18 months of the beginning of the project.

Application Submission Procedure and Timeline

Each project must have two principal investigators (PIs) affiliated with two different IP Paris laboratories. Additional project partners, including members of the private/innovation sector, are allowed. Preference will be given to teams involving different IP Paris institutions.

The application, written in English, consists of the following:

  • A cover page that provides the title of the project, the names and affiliations of the PIs, a short non-confidential abstract, up to five keywords, and the funding mechanism requested (Kick-starter or Matching). (1 page)
  • A research project that describes the scientific scope, project timeline and perspectives for follow-up funding (maximum 2 pages including references; no appendices are allowed)
  • Budget and description of the envisioned impact of the project and its integration within E4H (maximum 1 page)
  • Biographical sketches of the project partners as well as information about their teams and available resources (maximum 2 pages per biographical sketch)
  • Ethics/animal welfare committee approval (or concrete plans for submitting applications for approval) for projects involving animal studies

Projects that do not adhere strictly to the above instructions and page limits will be penalized.

Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file uploaded on the following application form:

> Project Submission Form

Project submission deadline: Sunday February 16, 2025


Evaluation Procedure and Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated by E4H steering committee. Project selection will be based primarily on the scientific excellence of the proposed project and the prospects of follow up funding. Best projects may be invited to make an oral presentation to the E4H Steering Committee in order to determine the final laureates.

The candidature of young researchers is strongly encouraged and taken into account during the selection phase, as well as the collaboration between different IP Paris institutions.

Kick-starter grants and Matching grants are not cumulative. If a research tandem applies for both, they must clearly indicate their first choice in the application.

Kick-starter funds or Matching funds are not awarded more than once to the same researcher, even if the project is submitted with different collaborators.

A scientific and financial report is to be produced at the end of the project.

For further information, please contact


Grants Winners

2023 Kick Starter Grants Winners
  • Jocelyne ARQUEMBOURG, Anne Chantal GOUGET, Hannu MYLLYKALLIO for the project: Interdisciplinary Fighting Against Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) 
  • Gabriel AMSELEM, Alistair ROWE for the project: The common clean room facility at Ecole Polytechnique

Nicolas DAVIS, Alexis GAUTREAU for the project: From cell-cell contacts to cell coordination: a novel MOB4 pathway