Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors defines the strategic guidelines of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and their implementation. It also specifies its operating rules and their execution. It approves IP Paris priorities, internal policy framework and budget. It is also in charge of reviewing IP Paris management and performance.
Board of Directors


Prof. Thierry Coulhon, Acting Chairman of the Board of Institut Polytechnique de Paris

State and local representatives


  • Mr Emmanuel Chiva, Chief executive of the Direction générale de l'Armemeent (DGA), French Ministry of Defense
  • Mr Luc Rousseau, Vice-Chairman of the Conseil Général de l'Economie (General Council for the Economy)
  • Ms Sylvie Lagarde, Director for Methodology, Statistical Coordination and International Relations (DMCSI), INSEE
  • Ms Anne-Sophie Barthez, Director General of Higher Education and Professional Integration, French Ministry of Education and Research
  • Ms Claire Giry, Director General for Research and innovation,French Ministry of Education and Research
  • Mr Arnaud Wieber, Head of Office for Energy, shareholdings, industry and innovation (3BEPII) in the Budget Directorate, French Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • Mr Thibault Humbert, Regional Councilor, île-de-France
  • Mr Grégoire de Lasteyrie, Mayor of Palaiseau

Substitute members

  • Mr Thierry Carlier, Technical Director, Deputy Chief executive of the Direction générale de l’Armement (DGA), French Ministry of Defence
  • Mme Chloé Mirau, Director of Financial Affairs, ministry of Armed forces
  • Ms Marie-Solange Tissier, President, Regulatory Resources Section, CGE, French Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • Mr Jean-Luc Tavernier, Director-General of INSEE
  • Ms Isabelle Prat, Head of Training and Student Life Strategy Department, Assistant to the Executive Director, French Ministry of Education and Research
  • Mr Frédéric Ravel, General Direction of Research and Innovation, ministry of Education and Research
  • Mr Vincent Verbavtz, Budget Direction, ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty
  • Mr Mathieu Culp, Regional Councilor, île-de-France
  • Ms Catherine Vittecoq,Deputy Mayor of Palaiseau, in charge of economic growth, employement and promotion of science

Qualified Personalities

  • Ms Pascale Sourisse, International Development Chief Executive Officer , Thalès
  • Mr Laurent Giovachini, Deputy Director, Sopra Steria - President of ENSTA Paris Board of Directors
  • Ms Sandrine Duchêne, Chairman of the Board of GENES
  • Mr Olivier HUART, President of IMT Board of Directors - CEO of TDF Group
  • Mr Anthony Schrapffer, R&D engineer,EthiFinance Analytics
  • Ms Diaa Elyaaccoubi, Entrepreneur
  • Mr Hervé Grandjean, Commercial director Sabena Technics
  • Ms Florence Lustman, President of the French Insurance Federation
  • Mr Philippe professor emeritus EPFL

Staff and users representatives


  • Mr Benjamin Werner, École polytechnique
  • Mr Louis Jachiet, Télécom Paris
  • Mr Samuel Tardieu, Télécom Paris
  • Mr Christophe Blondel, CNRS
  • Ms Aldjia Mazari, École polytechnique
  • Ms Elisabeth Andreoletti Cheng, ENSAE
  • Mr Matthias Rondier, École polytechnique
  • Mr Marc Vacher, École polytechnique

Substitute members

  • M. Davide Boschetto, ENSTA Paris
  • M. Xavier Herny, École polytechnique
  • M. José Manuel Rubio Hernan, Télécom SudParis
  • Mme Stéphanie Chaillat-Loseille, CNRS
  • Mme Fatma Fall, IP Paris
  • Mme Sylvie Bourdarias, Télécom SudParis
  • Mme Capucine Burel, École polytechnique
  • M. Clément Leroy, IP Paris