Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Mathematics Study Week with Industry

21 Jun. 2021 - 25 Jun. 2021
This event is intended for young researchers in mathematics, who will work in teams from June 21 to 25, 2021 on problems proposed by companies. Registration is open until May 21.
Mathematics Study Week with Industry

The Mathematics Study Week with Industry, from June 21 to 25, 2021, is an initiative organized at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris by the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*), the Laurent Schwartz Mathematics Center (CMLS) and the Agence pour les mathématiques en interaction avec l'entreprise et la société (AMIES).

The purpose of the program is to enable young researchers in mathematics (PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, ATERs, etc.) to work for one week in groups of three to six members on a problem set by an industrial company. The aim is to promote the exchange of knowledge between academic and business worlds. The suggested topics are very open and the solutions proposed often original. This week will take place on-site and online (hybrid).

Registration is free and closes on May 21.

* CMAP: a joint research unit of CNRS, École Polytechnique - Institut Polytechnique de Paris

CMLS: a joint research unit of CNRS, École Polytechnique - Institut Polytechnique de Paris