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IP Paris joins the European academic network CESAER

28 Mar. 2022
Today, IP Paris received the representatives of the European network CESAER that it joined at the beginning of the year. This visit was an opportunity to present the network and its activities within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and to present the vision of IP Paris on research, higher education and innovation
IP Paris joins the European academic network CESAER

In January 2022, the Institut Polytechnique became a member of CESAER, a large European association of education and research institutions in science and technology. The network associates a wide variety of institutions from all over Europe and neighboring countries. IP Paris has joined this network, which is recognized for its contributions to the definition of European policies on training, research and the transformation of higher education. CESAER has a shared mission: to promote excellence in higher education, education, research and innovation, to contribute to knowledge societies for a sustainable future and to produce a significant scientific, economic, social and societal impact.

A European think tank on ESRI issues

CESAER is a major actor on higher education, research and innovation issues in science and technology at the European level. The CESAER network includes 58 members that educate more than 1 million students and employ nearly 100,000 faculty members. The association is a think tank that plays an important role in the development of European policies and projects by developing analyses and recommendations for policy makers. These analyses and recommendations reflect the common expertise of its members who work in thematic working groups to share their experiences.

Collaborative work between members within the network

CESAER network members cooperate within working groups to identify the challenges and difficulties of ESRI stakeholders, define the association's priorities and enable the exchange of best practices. The working groups currently cover seven themes: benchmarking, human resources, innovation, learning and teaching, open science and technology, sustainable development, and financing. IP Paris staff will take part in the working groups in order to contribute to the construction of positions papers and to the exchange of good practices. This collaborative work is supported by numerous networking events organized by the association, including the annual CESAER conference, thematic workshops and the CESAER Professional Week.

For the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, actively contributing to the CESAER network is a valuable opportunity to exchange experiences with many excellent European institutions, leading to the joint development of shared visions on key issues and challenges in higher education, research and innovation, which can inspire European policies in these areas.

Jean-François Naviner, Head of the International Committee of IP Paris