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Institut Polytechnique de Paris welcomes its students for a new year

08 Sep. 2021
On the Saclay plateau, in an area of nearly 90 hectares, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and its five Schools welcome the new Master, PhD track and doctoral students. Discover what awaits them!
Institut Polytechnique de Paris welcomes its students for a new year

Master's degree: professional training provided by experts

More than 700 new students are the Institut Polytechnique de Paris for a Master's program. For two years, they will follow one of the 73 courses in the 14 fields of study offered. From physics to computer science, including mechanics, energy, mathematics and sociology, students are preparing to follow a demanding curriculum that will enable them to work with experts in their field on fundamental and applied sciences. With the knowledge acquired, they will enter the job market with confidence and many opportunities to make their projects a reality. 

We are very happy to welcome our Master's students back to a lively campus.  The entire teaching team is ready to accompany them with a shared goal: to train our students and make them open to the major issues of our world and capable of carrying the innovations of the future.

Laura Fioni, Director of Master's Programs

PhD tracks and PhD: training through research, a conviction held by the Institute

Research at Institut Polytechnique de Paris is embodied by nearly 1,000 faculty members operating in 10 departments. All of them are dedicated to the training of future generations. The PhD track is a perfect example of this commitment, allowing high-level students to familiarize themselves with the world of research as early as their Master's degree, in order to facilitate their transition to a thesis. In two years, students admitted to the PhD track this year will be ready to join the Institute's doctoral school. They will then join one of the Institute's 32 research laboratories to fuel innovation in sciences and technology.

I have rarely been so excited for a university start. First and foremost because there is strong hope for a normal campus life with in-person classes and physical contact with my brilliant colleagues. After a whole year of digital classes, this almost feels like a fresh uni start, like back then after high school. The second reason is that this year will be at the same time the most interesting academically as well as the most decisive for my life afterwards: The M2 courses will delve into the subjects I am most fascinated about and I will have to make a choice for my PhD. All of this makes my eyes light up, but it also makes me nervous. Who could be the ideal PhD supervisor ? How to find time for all these courses ? Today, I am optimistic that my motivation will be greater that these challenges.

Jakob Maier, PhD track student in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

A return to the classroom and to a vibrant student life

With the return to campus, student life will resume, stronger and more dynamic than ever. Sports and student associations have been ready for months to propose a multitude of activities and events to punctuate the year to come. To support them, Institut Polytechnique de Paris has launched the second edition of its call for student projects, the winners of which will receive funding for a total of 125,000€.

Swapping my desk chair for one in a classroom is exciting, but that this one will finally be IN France is the icing on the cake! I am sure we'll all have a lot to say this back-to-campus season, can't wait!

Daniela Carfora,, Master student in Information Processing and Data Exploitation

Although getting familiar with the Zoom platform and mastering all its available functions, it is time for me to socialize with people on-site! Bumping fists and elbows! I can’t wait to finally enjoy the campus life and see its scenery change through all the seasons!

Juhyun Kim, Master student in Data science