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HI! Paris is hiring, calls for fellowships and Collaborative projects are opened

09 Feb. 2021
The interdisciplinary Center dedicated to AI and data science, created by HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, enters this year in an important growth phase.
HI! Paris is hiring, calls for fellowships and Collaborative projects are opened

Supported by Capgemini, Total, Kering, Rexel et L’Oréal, HI! PARIS has the global ambition to ensure AI and data empower business and society. It provides a unique framework for research, education, innovation, and technology transfer to businesses. To achieve its goals, the Center is currently looking for new talents: faculty members, PhD students and project holders.

Three Assistant Professor positions

HI! PARIS aims to conduct breakthrough and multidisciplinary research on AI and Data Science, while simultaneously developing new education programs and fostering innovation. In addition to mobilizing the faculty members of its six member schools, the recruitment of staff dedicated to the center is in progress. Three Assistant/Associate Professor positions are opened for researchers specializing in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Econometrics/Applied Econometrics.

PhD Scholarships

The Center offers partial or complete 3-year funding for PhD theses. The program covers fundamental methods for AI and data analytics as well as business applications across all sectors and implications for society. To be eligible to the funding, projects must respect the following criteria: AI is central to the research conducted within the thesis; the project is scientifically innovative and ambitious; the thesis is prepared in one of the research laboratories of HEC Paris or Institut Polytechnique de Paris and under the supervision of researchers who are member of these laboratories. Applicants are  encouraged  to  take  into  account data  and questions  that  are  of  interest  to  HI!PARIS corporate donors. Deadline for applications: March 5, 2021.

Call for Fellowships

A central goal of HI! PARIS is to provide long-term incentives to promote research and teaching in the area of AI and Data Analytics for Science, Business and Society. To this end, HI! PARIS has created a Fellowships program, which provides funding for researchers at HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Fellows from the center will receive an annual budget with some flexibility in the allocation between  salary,  research,  scientific  events  organization,  and  funding  of  PhD  students. Deadline for applications: February 15, 2021.

Call for Collaborative Projects

The Center offers support for collaborative projects ideally between researchers of two or more HI! PARIS schools.  The  program  covers  fundamental  methods  for  AI  and  data  analytics  as  well  as  business applications  across  all  sectors  and  implications  for  society. Project  are  expected  to last between  1  and  3  years, with a  budget  up  to 10k€/year to cover  expenses such as travel expenses, conference room rental, data acquisition, staff (invited researcher, research assistants, internships…), hardware, small equipment, etc. Deadline for applications: March 15, 2021.

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Calls for Fellowships and Collaborative Projects
