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22 IP Paris Startups at Paris Saclay SPRING 2022

02 Jun. 2022
Video review of the 5th edition of Paris-Saclay SPRING which took place on May 12 and 13 on the campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
22 IP Paris Startups at Paris Saclay SPRING 2022

Inaugurated by Eric Labaye, president of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the event brought together startups, investors, researchers, PhD students and other innovation stakeholders around 30 round tables, workshops and conferences and at the innovation village where 22 startups from the IP Paris ecosystem exhibited as well as our interdisciplinary centers: Energy4Climate (E4C) and Hi! PARIS Center  and our incubators: Télécom Paris Incubator, IMT Starter et Drahi X-Novation.

Congratulations to Pathway (formerly Navalgo), a startup from the IP Paris ecosystem incubated at Drahi-X Novation, who won the #SPRING50 pitch contest in the Digital Tech category.