Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Course Finder

15 programs match your request
Field(s) : Chemistry Mechanics Physics
Duration : 5 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Chemistry
Specialtie(s) : Environmental and sustainable chemistry Material chemistry Solid state chemistry Catalysis Organic and organometallic synthesis Analytical chemistry Computanional chemistry Magnetic, sprectroscopic and optical properties Electrochemistry Chemistry at the interfaces
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Chemistry
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Chemistry
Duration : 5 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science Innovation, industry, society Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications Transport, mobility, networks
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Chemistry
Specialtie(s) : Chemistry waste water treatment, soil pollution and remediation, Ecotoxicology Environmental chemistry
Duration : 2 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Duration : 5 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : English
Advanced master

Embedded Systems

Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science Innovation, industry, society Transport, mobility, networks
Specialtie(s) : embedded system embedded system engineer
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Chemistry Energy Mechanics Physics
Specialtie(s) : Environment Photovoltaics and Solar energy Wind Power Meteorology and environment
Duration : 2 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Specialtie(s) : Environmental Sciences Energy processes Fluid mechanics Solid mechanics Engineering materials and structures Biomechanics Aerodynamics Hydrodynamics Acoustics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science
Specialtie(s) : Internet of things (iot)
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French