Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Chair "Complex Systems Architecture"

Chair "Complex Systems Architecture"

Defense and security challenges

The increasing complexity of industrial and operational systems (including the interconnection of hardware and software, and the networking of organizations) requires a holistic approach, involving mastery of the concepts and principles of system architecture.

This approach encompasses many scientific disciplines, including topics such as Artificial Intelligence, system safety and security, models for system engineering, robotics, and simulation using digital twins. 

In the defense sector in particular, these systems must be robust, secure, and designed to be able to evolve with new technologies over the long term.

The ASC chair aims to advance education and research through a systematic and multidisciplinary approach to the architecture of complex systems.


Dassault Aviation, Dassault Systèmes, Naval Group, Nexter, société de KNDS, et l’Agence de l’Innovation de Défense (AID) are the patrons and partners of this chair at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, which involves École polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis.

The chair is led by 4 permanent faculty members, with the support of engineers and postdoctoral researchers, in order to address the complexity of the topic through a comprehensive and complementary approach.


ASC chair in details :

Team members

Academic Council responsible for the Chair

David Filliat
Professor @ ENSTA Paris

Vincent Gauthier
Professor @ Télécom SudParis

Éric Goubault
Professor @ École polytechnique

Laurent Pautet
Professor @ Télécom Paris

Dominique Blouin
Associate professor, Télécom Paris, (s)

Alexandre Chapoutot
Associate professor, ENSTA Paris, (s)

Natalia Kushik
Maître de conférence, Télécom SudParis, (s)

Sylvie Putot
Professor, École polytechnique, (s)

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Jérémy Dubut-Kross
École polytechnique

ENSTA Paris : recruitment in progress

Télécom Paris : recruitment in progress

Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier
Télécom SudParis

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Research engineers

(recruitment in progress)

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Project management

François Plais
Directeur des opérations, CIEDS

Éloïse Berthier
Chargée de partenariats, CIEDS

Arnaud Gruet
Project Management Officer ASC, CIEDS

Academic fields

The chair is organized around four teams in four schools across four different but complementary areas of teaching and research.

The scope of the chair

The ASC Chair aims to produce new research and teaching in the field of Complex Systems Architecture.

For the partners, the stakes are multiple:

  • Strengthened partnership between four defense industry players, the Defense Innovation Agency, and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a framework that allows for better consideration of national sovereignty issues in light of the expectations of the Ministry of the Armed Forces;
  • Expansion of the educational offerings of the schools with the development of an attractive educational offering for students of the four IP Paris schools in the field of complex systems;
  • Greater attractiveness of the defense industry and its professions to students of IP Paris schools.

The duration of the Chair extends from July 2023 to September 2028, with a possibility of extension that must be validated by the partners.

The involvement of four schools at the teaching and research level has led to the definition of four areas of work:

  • Within the École Polytechnique: work on the certification of AI algorithms;
  • Within ENSTA Paris: work on multi-agent systems, robotics, and simulation;
  • Within Télécom Paris: work on MBSE for complex systems;
  • Within Télécom SudParis: work on MBSE in software engineering and digital twins.

For the partners, the advantages are multiple:

  • Bringing together and collaboration between the industrial world, the defense world, and the academic world;
  • For the industrial and defense worlds: direct access to engineering school students for better dialogue, understanding, and collaboration;
  • For the academic world, direct access to concrete defense and security issues (needs, use cases, etc.);
  • For engineering school students, direct access to companies (internships, project topics, theses, employment, etc.).

Today, many technologies and practices are dual in nature, and the time when the defense world was ahead and spun off to the civilian domain has given way to a more balanced period where many innovations emerge in the civilian universe and quickly become spin-ins to the military world.

The agreements signed between partners provide for the possibility of integrating new partners with the approval of the current partners.

The production of the chair

In the current state of affairs, new lecture courses have not yet been generated by the teacher-researchers of the Chair. However, study project topics have already been launched with supervision provided by the partner companies that proposed them, and conference proposals are under evaluation.

The Chair's publications will be made on the usual academic channels and in specialized journals. However, a link to these publications will systematically be provided on the IP Paris website of the Chair.

As the Chair is still emerging, no specific training has been generated yet.

Working with the chair

The very organization of the Chair provides facilitated access between partner structures and students, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and engineers for all research and/or work opportunities.

Job offers are directly published by the schools but are systematically republished on the LinkedIn page of the ASC Chair :

The very organization of the Chair allows for the implementation of research projects in the concerned laboratories. All offers are published by the schools and systematically republished on the LinkedIn page of the ASC Chair :

The work produced by, or under the direction of, the four teacher-researchers of the Chair will be published according to the usual modalities of academic research. Only certain very specific research projects may be subject to confidentiality agreements limiting publication.

The Chair organizes an annual scientific day dedicated to Complex Systems Architecture. The first day was held on March 22, 2024, and the interventions of the four schools involved in the Chair are accessible on the LinkedIn page of the Chair :

Keep in touch

By email :
Via the LinkedIn ASC account messaging
By mail : Chaire ASC, CIEDS / X'Novation center, Avenue Coriolis, 91120 Palaiseau

The easiest way is to subscribe to the LinkedIn ASC page by clicking on "+follow".

You will thus be notified in real-time of all the Chair's news.

Contact details

Chaire ASC
CIEDS X'Novation Center
Avenue Coriolis
F-91120 Palaiseau

ASC chair on LinkedIn

Click on this link or scan the QR code


Team members

Academic Council responsible for the Chair

David Filliat
Professor @ ENSTA Paris

Vincent Gauthier
Professor @ Télécom SudParis

Éric Goubault
Professor @ École polytechnique

Laurent Pautet
Professor @ Télécom Paris

Dominique Blouin
Associate professor, Télécom Paris, (s)

Alexandre Chapoutot
Associate professor, ENSTA Paris, (s)

Natalia Kushik
Maître de conférence, Télécom SudParis, (s)

Sylvie Putot
Professor, École polytechnique, (s)

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Jérémy Dubut-Kross
École polytechnique

ENSTA Paris : recruitment in progress

Télécom Paris : recruitment in progress

Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier
Télécom SudParis

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Research engineers

(recruitment in progress)

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Project management

François Plais
Directeur des opérations, CIEDS

Éloïse Berthier
Chargée de partenariats, CIEDS

Arnaud Gruet
Project Management Officer ASC, CIEDS

Academic fields

The chair is organized around four teams in four schools across four different but complementary areas of teaching and research.

The scope of the chair

The ASC Chair aims to produce new research and teaching in the field of Complex Systems Architecture.

For the partners, the stakes are multiple:

  • Strengthened partnership between four defense industry players, the Defense Innovation Agency, and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a framework that allows for better consideration of national sovereignty issues in light of the expectations of the Ministry of the Armed Forces;
  • Expansion of the educational offerings of the schools with the development of an attractive educational offering for students of the four IP Paris schools in the field of complex systems;
  • Greater attractiveness of the defense industry and its professions to students of IP Paris schools.

The duration of the Chair extends from July 2023 to September 2028, with a possibility of extension that must be validated by the partners.

The involvement of four schools at the teaching and research level has led to the definition of four areas of work:

  • Within the École Polytechnique: work on the certification of AI algorithms;
  • Within ENSTA Paris: work on multi-agent systems, robotics, and simulation;
  • Within Télécom Paris: work on MBSE for complex systems;
  • Within Télécom SudParis: work on MBSE in software engineering and digital twins.

For the partners, the advantages are multiple:

  • Bringing together and collaboration between the industrial world, the defense world, and the academic world;
  • For the industrial and defense worlds: direct access to engineering school students for better dialogue, understanding, and collaboration;
  • For the academic world, direct access to concrete defense and security issues (needs, use cases, etc.);
  • For engineering school students, direct access to companies (internships, project topics, theses, employment, etc.).

Today, many technologies and practices are dual in nature, and the time when the defense world was ahead and spun off to the civilian domain has given way to a more balanced period where many innovations emerge in the civilian universe and quickly become spin-ins to the military world.

The agreements signed between partners provide for the possibility of integrating new partners with the approval of the current partners.

The production of the chair

In the current state of affairs, new lecture courses have not yet been generated by the teacher-researchers of the Chair. However, study project topics have already been launched with supervision provided by the partner companies that proposed them, and conference proposals are under evaluation.

The Chair's publications will be made on the usual academic channels and in specialized journals. However, a link to these publications will systematically be provided on the IP Paris website of the Chair.

As the Chair is still emerging, no specific training has been generated yet.

Working with the chair

The very organization of the Chair provides facilitated access between partner structures and students, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and engineers for all research and/or work opportunities.

Job offers are directly published by the schools but are systematically republished on the LinkedIn page of the ASC Chair :

The very organization of the Chair allows for the implementation of research projects in the concerned laboratories. All offers are published by the schools and systematically republished on the LinkedIn page of the ASC Chair :

The work produced by, or under the direction of, the four teacher-researchers of the Chair will be published according to the usual modalities of academic research. Only certain very specific research projects may be subject to confidentiality agreements limiting publication.

The Chair organizes an annual scientific day dedicated to Complex Systems Architecture. The first day was held on March 22, 2024, and the interventions of the four schools involved in the Chair are accessible on the LinkedIn page of the Chair :

Keep in touch

By email :
Via the LinkedIn ASC account messaging
By mail : Chaire ASC, CIEDS / X'Novation center, Avenue Coriolis, 91120 Palaiseau

The easiest way is to subscribe to the LinkedIn ASC page by clicking on "+follow".

You will thus be notified in real-time of all the Chair's news.

Contact details

Chaire ASC
CIEDS X'Novation Center
Avenue Coriolis
F-91120 Palaiseau

ASC chair on LinkedIn

Click on this link or scan the QR code