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Start of an "exceptional" academic year for IP Paris Master's students

07 Oct. 2020
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris teams welcomed the incoming class of Master's and PhD Track students.
Start of an "exceptional" academic year for IP Paris Master's students

As we start this particular academic year where the coronavirus is still circulating, precautions need to be taken. Our administrative and faculty teams have taken the necessary steps to ensure that courses can be maintained and accessible to everyone. High-quality, digital, distance learning courses have been put in place.

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris opened seventy Master's programs in 14 disciplines (including biology and health, economics, computer science, physics and mathematics). IP Paris is welcoming its first class of PhD Track students. Drawing on the Anglo-Saxon model, this program is open to students from around the world who hold a Bachelor's degree. They complete a five-year PhD program which puts them on the path to thesis research from the Master's level.  

Learn more about our Master's and PhD Track programs