Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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A look back at IP Paris Entrepreneurship Night 2023

30 May. 2023
The first Entrepreneurship Night organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) welcomed around 100 students from IP Paris’ schools and other partner schools. During an entire night, their mission was to step into the shoes of an entrepreneur and propose, as a team, an innovative technological solution that answers market needs and with a sufficiently explained business model.
A look back at IP Paris Entrepreneurship Night 2023

Several categories of projects had been shared beforehand with the students with the aim of creating a project responding to a specific theme:

  • Disability & Inclusion: 6 students - 1 project
  • Energy & Environment: 34 students - 8 projects
  • Fashion Industry & Environment: 25 students - 6 projects
  • Reinventing Tomorrow’s Teaching: 28 students - 7 projects
  • Securing Campus Life from Cyber Threats: 2 students - 1 project

The teams were coached by 14 experts and a total of 24 projects emerged during this night. We count 5 teams selected for the prizes:

  • 1st prize: SMARTIFY – Theme: Reinventing tomorrow's teaching and education through digital technology
    • Lucas Thomasset – Télécom Paris
    • Lucas Hommet – Télécom Paris
    • Charles Benichou-Chaffanjon – École Polytechnique
    • Antoine Fauve – Télécom Paris
  • 2nd prize : FASHION UPCYCLING – Theme: Fashion Industry & Environment
    • Nina Bili Rossi - École Polytechnique
    • Clara Stavun – Télécom SudParis
    • Fiona Boulman - École Polytechnique
    • Joffrey Ma – Télécom Paris
  • FIRELEARN – Theme: Reinventing tomorrow's teaching and education through digital technology
    • Joachim Assayag – SciencesPo
    • Hanna Mergui - École Polytechnique
    • Adama Koïta – Télécom Paris
    • Samuel Lavallée – Télécom Paris
  • Jury's prize: DE LA TÊTE AUX PIEDS – Theme: Fashion Industry & Environment
    • Henri Ngo – Télécom SudParis
    • Mathias Gilbert – ENSTA Paris
    • Matheo Le Moel – ENSTA Paris
    • Mathis Blanc – ENSTA Paris
  • Public's prize: GAIA – Theme: Fashion Industry & Environment
    • Yanis Slaoui – Télécom Paris
    • Cilia Ihadadene – Télécom Paris
    • Ines Rochdi – Télécom Paris
    • Lisa Lloret – Télécom Paris