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Institut Polytechnique de Paris, an observer at COP 28

28 Nov. 2023
An official delegation from Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) will be participating in COP 28, which will take place in Dubai this December. It includes representatives from Ecole Polytechnique, which has been granted the RINGO observer status since 2022.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, an observer at COP 28

The delegation led by Patricia Crifo (Professor at Ecole Polytechnique - IP Paris and Deputy Director of the Energy4Climate (E4C) Interdisciplinary Center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris) includes students from Ecole Polytechnique enrolled in the COP28 climate course - Master of Science & Technology in Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy - but also PhD candidates from IP Paris researching on the topic of climate change.

In her anticipation, Professor Crifo expresses: “Being admitted to the UNFCC allows us the opportunity to build an expertise on the UNFCCC process, train students with direct experience of the negotiations as well as the ability to contribute as part of the RINGO (research independent nongovernmental organization) constituency. This is also a direct contribution to the process of mobilizing French higher education establishments at the UNFCC”.

Key issues on the COP 28 agenda

The COP 28 agenda includes a number of key issues, building on the momentum of previous conferences. Discussions will focus on the urgency of addressing fossil fuel dependence, including discussions on phasing out fossil fuel subsidies and phasing out coal, oil and gas. These discussions underscore the need for concrete, ambitious steps to achieve substantial emissions reductions.

Finance-related negotiations are also in the spotlight at COP 28, focusing on setting new climate finance targets, establishing a dedicated loss and damage fund, and reforming financial structures. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to supporting vulnerable countries and reducing the effects of climate change.

The agenda reflects a commitment to action, with ambitious goals such as tripling renewable energy, doubling hydrogen production, and reducing CO2 emissions by 43% by 2030. The summit demonstrates a shared determination to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.

Valuable insights and analysis to the global discourse on climate change

 Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a consortium of five renowned French engineering schools, brings a wealth of scientific expertise to COP 28. With Ecole Polytechnique at the forefront, the delegation led by Patricia Crifo is well prepared to contribute valuable insights and analyses to the global discourse on climate change.

“We will be participating in various side events, notably one of them organized within the U7+ alliance. The U7+ Alliance is an international alliance of university presidents who engage in both discussion and concrete action by making commitments that universities may take to address the most pressing global challenges in a multilateral context. It is the very first alliance of university presidents aimed at structuring and advancing their role as global actors across the multilateral agenda. “, adds Patricia Crifo.

The team will notably report on various topics from Dubai and Paris, including sustainable food practices and food security, climate resilience and climate justice, sustainable finance, human mobility and displacement, ocean management, decarbonizations, etc. 

As we anticipate COP 28, we stand on the cusp of meaningful change. The agenda not only reflects our aspirations but also our sense of responsibility to future generations. With science as our guide and consensus as our driving force, COP 28 holds the promise of being a milestone where nations come together, commitments turn into actions, and the trajectory of our planet is altered for the better. The time for transformative action is now, and the importance of the agenda for COP 28 cannot be overstated in this pivotal journey toward a sustainable and resilient future.

*You can follow our live coverage on Linkedin, Instagram, X-Twitter and Facebook – follow #IPParisCOP28

In anticipation of COP28, our students share their thoughts and expectations about the conference. Here are some of their statements:

By witnessing the negotiations that will take place, I hope to be able to discover the complex political, social, and economic factors that play a role in shaping global environmental strategies aimed at tackling climate change.

Stefano Dall’Aglio Master of Science & Technology in Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Ecole Polytechnique IP Paris

This year's COP28 has been the subject of much controversy. But I don't think we should boycott it, and I'm delighted to be given the opportunity to play an active part in the challenge of a debate on the energy transition in a major oil-producing country.

Alicia Bassière, PhD student in Economics at IP Paris

I am very grateful for having the chance to take part in such an important global dialogue, that defines and sets new sustainability goals for our planet and our future. I am excited to hear different actors reflect upon past experiences and share innovative solutions.

Manuela Dupré, Master of Science & Technology in Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Ecole Polytechnique IP Paris

Being able to contribute and engage in discussions aimed at shaping a sustainable future fills me with enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility. I look forward to learning, collaborating, and being part of the collective effort to address the challenges our planet faces.

Maxime Elkington, Master of Science & Technology in Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Ecole Polytechnique IP Paris

Facing the urgent and evolving challenges of climate change, the goal is unwavering: to steer the world's economy toward total decarbonization, leaving no one behind. As a central hub for climate discussion and action, it's a critical responsibility to be part of IP Paris/Ecole Polytechnique's COP28 reporting team, tasked with providing insightful coverage on the vital discussions and outcomes to our peers.

Thomas Jochum & Yana Abdallah, Master of Science & Technology in Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy