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Engineering for Health Annual Forum 2023

05 Jul. 2023
The Engineering for Health (E4H) interdisciplinary center is organising the second edition of its annual forum on 5 July 2023 at École Polytechnique. The aim of this event is to highlight current research projects in the field of life sciences and to bring together researchers, medical doctors, engineers, startups and industry to encourage new interactions.
Engineering for Health Annual Forum 2023

This event is organised in partnership with Inria and the Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph Marie Lannelongue, founding members of the E4H Centre, with the support of the École polytechnique Foundation, the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

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Poster session

A poster session will be organised on this occasion. PhDs, post-docs and medical interns are eligible for the best poster prizes. Poster submission is now closed. 


08h30: Welcoming

09h00: Keynote speakers

  • Health technologies at Inserm and work on the surgery of the future
    • Franck Lethimonnier, Director of the National Thematic Institute for Health Technology Inserm/Aviesan
  • Innovation and technology in the face of emerging infectious diseases
    • Yazdan Yazdanpanah, PU-PH Université Paris-Cité ; Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department at Hôpital Bichat Claude-Bernard, AP-HP ; Director of ANRS, and of the Inserm Institut thématique I3M
    • Isabelle Dimier Poisson, Enseignante-chercheuse, Université de Tours

10h00: Coffee Break

10h30: Workshops (2 at the same time)

Workshop 1 Workshop 2

Archaea and antibiotic resistance 

  • Are archaea our ancestors? - Patrick Forterre, Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Saclay
  • Exploring the mysteries of ribosome biogenes and function in Archaea: evolutionary and biotechnological implications - Sébastien Ferreira-Cerca, École polytechnique 
  • Table ronde: Tracking the transmission of antimicrobial resistance from hospital to environment
    • Jocelyne Arquembourg, Telecom Paris
    • Alban Le Monnier, GH Paris Saint-Joseph
    • Rima Zein-Eddine, École polytechnique
    • Windi Muziasari, Resistomap
    • David Touboul, CNRS

The future of oncology: new strategies and approaches

  • Accelerating innovation against cancer with the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster - Lucie Mondoulet, Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster
  • Personnalized Reconstitution of the Tumoral Process - Alexis Gautreau, École polytechnique
  • Innovation en chirurgie oncologique - Brice Gayet, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris
  • High resolution microfluidic approach to investigate T cell tumor killing - Charles Baroud, École polytechnique et Institut Pasteur
  • Empowering Cancer Care with AI-Driven Computational Pathology - Saïma Ben Hadj, Tribun Healthcare

12h30: Lunch & Poster session 

14h15: E4H Annual Review

14h30: BME Seed Grants awards ceremony, with the participation of Armand de Boissière, General Secretary of the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller

15h15: Round table Digital Twin in Health

  • Dominique Chapelle, Inria et École polytechnique
  • Cécile Bonnard, Dassault Systèmes
  • Irene Vignon-Clementel, Inria
  • Pietro Gori, Telecom Paris
  • Maxime Raux, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph Marie Lannelongue

16h00: Coffee Break  

16h30: Awards ceremony introduced by Kees van der Beek, Director of Research at École polytechnique

17h30: Closing cocktail


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