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Creation of a patient-centered biocluster in oncology

30 Jun. 2021
Sanofi, Gustave Roussy, Inserm, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the University of Paris-Saclay are committed to developing personalized medicine in France through a patient-centered oncology cluster - the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster
Creation of a patient-centered biocluster in oncology

Following the announcements made by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Strategic Council for Health Industries, Sanofi, Gustave Roussy, Inserm, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the University of Paris-Saclay have announced plans to create the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, a center bringing together key players in oncology innovation. This project, which is unique in Europe, will bring together the best scientific, human and technological expertise to shape the future of personalized medicine and accelerate the discovery of new customized cancer treatments. Within ten years, the objective is to be able to offer rapid diagnosis at the patient's bedside, including disease modeling and the construction of an individualized and personalized therapy.

"By participating in the creation of the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, Institut Polytechnique de Paris affirms its strong commitment to a major challenge facing our society, cancer research, by contributing its skills in AI, data science and engineering. This union of all the public and private players around a great ambition, allowing us to bring innovations in this field to scale, will help our country achieve its therapeutic sovereignty," said Eric Labaye, President of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

After a preparation and scoping phase, the first projects of the cluster should start by the end of 2021. They will focus on identifying new therapeutic targets based on a large collection of patient samples. Beforehand, a legal structure that will host the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster will be created and its first employees, including its Managing Director, will be recruited, while the technological platforms, data and first training courses will be accessible (via the Cluster) from 2021/2022. The founders are already meeting with various players in the fields of oncology, data and AI, who could join the cluster in the near future.