Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Course Finder

29 programs match your request
Field(s) : Computer science Applied mathematics, statistics
Duration : 5 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science Innovation, industry, society Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications
Specialtie(s) : Artificial Intelligence Networks Data Science Image Internet of Things Embedded Systems
Duration : 4 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Chemistry
Specialtie(s) : Chemistry waste water treatment, soil pollution and remediation, Ecotoxicology Environmental chemistry
Duration : 2 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Chemistry Energy Mechanics Physics
Specialtie(s) : Environment Photovoltaics and Solar energy Wind Power Meteorology and environment
Duration : 2 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Computer science
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : English
Engineer program

Ingénieur généraliste

Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science Innovation, industry, society Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications Transport, mobility, networks
Specialtie(s) : Artificial Intelligence Statistical Modeling and Applications Video Games Distributed IT Services Architect Data Science Network Intelligence Information Systems Intelligent Networks Network Architecture Digital Inventions System and Network Security Embedded Systems Communicating Objects Entrepreneurship Project Management Business Engineering Image
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Engineer program

Ingénieur généraliste

Field(s) : Electrical engineering Computer science Innovation, industry, society Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications
Specialtie(s) : Artificial Intelligence Networks Data Science Image Internet of Things Embedded Systems
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Computer science
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Computer science Innovation, industry, society Applied mathematics, statistics Transport, mobility, networks
Specialtie(s) : Internet Data structure Cyber-physical Systems
Duration : 2 years
Language(s) : English
PhD track

Life sciences

Field(s) : Biology and health Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications Mechanics Physics
Specialtie(s) : Living systems Biomechanics Biomedical engineering Interfaces
Duration : 5 years
Language(s) : English
Field(s) : Computer science
Specialtie(s) : Digital Health Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Data Robotics Internet of Things
Duration : 12 months
Language(s) : English
Bachelor of science

Mathematics and Economics

Field(s) : Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications Mechanics Physics
Specialtie(s) : Applied mathematics, statistics Mathematics and applications Economics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : English