Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

Course Finder

14 programs match your request
Field(s) : Biology and health
Specialtie(s) : Cell biology Molecular biology Structural biology Bioinformatics Developmental biology Biophysics Applied microbiology Dynamic imaging
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Computer science
Specialtie(s) : Computer Science Signal Image processing Automatics Robotics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Physics
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Specialtie(s) : Environmental Sciences Energy processes Fluid mechanics Solid mechanics Engineering materials and structures Biomechanics Aerodynamics Hydrodynamics Acoustics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Electrical engineering
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Energy Mechanics
Specialtie(s) : Networks Information Communications Electronics Optoelectronics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Master 1


Field(s) : Mechanics
Specialtie(s) : Biomechanics Biomedical engineering Smart structures Environment Fluids Turbulences Waves Metamaterials
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French English
Field(s) : Computer science
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Computer science
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French
Field(s) : Physics
Specialtie(s) : Optics Laser Plasma Astrophysics Condensed matter physics Particle physics Quantum physics
Duration : 3 years
Language(s) : French English
Master 1


Field(s) : Physics
Duration : 1 year
Language(s) : French English