Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Ecole des Ponts ENSAE Télécom Paris Télécom SudParis

The Best Engineering Schools are at Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Le Figaro ranking)

03 Jan. 2023
Le Figaro étudiant published its annual ranking of the best engineering schools in France in December 2022. Like last year, École Polytechnique ranks 1st, while Télécom Paris is 5th, ENSAE Paris 7th, ENSTA Paris 10th and Télécom SudParis 11th. This ranking highlights the excellence of Institut Polytechnique de Paris member schools in their fields of study, their attractiveness in France and internationally, and the employability of their graduates.
The Best Engineering Schools are at Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Le Figaro ranking)

Le Figaro ranked the most selective schools, accessible after two years of scientific preparatory classes via competitive entrance exams (X/ENS, CentraleSupélec, Mines-Ponts, Mines-Télécom, etc.) that allow students to apply to several schools at once.

To compile this ranking, Le Figaro gathered several indicators in three categories: academic level, international reputation, and employability. This last criterion, in which IP Paris schools score very well, demonstrates the high quality of the careers our students pursue: in the private sector, the public sector, research or entrepreneurship. 

IP Paris was indeed ranked 12th worldwide and 1st in France in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022. The selection process and academic programs of IP Paris and its five schools lead to the recruitment of exceptional young people while providing them with key knowledge and skills, turning them into real assets for companies. In addition, it is a recognition of the great success of our alumni. On the other hand, it reflects the strong and trusting ties that IP Paris and its five member schools have with companies.

The Figaro ranking also takes into account the results achieved by Institut Polytechnique de Paris in key international rankings (Shanghai, QS, Times Higher Education), because of the growing influence of these rankings on the reputation of the schools and their ability to establish ambitious partnerships with foreign universities.

See Le Figaro Ranking