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PhD track Mécanique

PhD track Mécanique

PhD track in Mechanics

ECTS Credits

120 (first two years)






Palaiseau Campus

Course duration

two years (coursework period), followed by a three-year dissertation phase

Course start


Degrees awarded

Master’s degree (after the first two years), PhD (on completion of the dissertation)


Asset n° 1

Get ready for a PhD by starting research at an early stage

Asset n°2

Be closely associated with the research activities carried out in a world-renowned innovation cluster

Asset n°3

Benefit from individual and personalized supervision by a faculty member

Mechanics is a basic science allowing us to face the current challenges of our society such as energy, smart materials and systems, health, environment, climate, transportation. It thus bridges the gap between fundamental science and innovative technologies.

This five-year PhD Track aims to train future researchers and engineers capable of responding to new challenges. It starts with a two-year period with advanced courses related to the chosen field of study. Students also participate in research projects carried out by Institut Polytechnique de Paris Laboratories involved in the track and attend high-level seminars. Supervised by experienced researchers, they thus benefit from first-class research experience. At the end of the second year, the students who meet the academic requirements receive a Master Degree. Those who have achieved outstanding results and identified a thesis subject and a supervisor in one of the involved Labs are allowed to start a three-year PhD program.

Students are offered two pathways :

The pathway “Mechanics and Interactions” of the “Institut Polytechnique de Paris” combines advanced academic knowledge in Mechanics together with long term research projects on complex interactions in such fields (fluids, solids, turbulence, waves, metamaterials, etc.). The program is proposed to students with excellent skills in Mechanics and ambition to perform a PhD in the stimulating research environment of the “Institut Polytechnique de Paris”.

Objectives of pathway #1

  • Provide a coherent training program, based on solid scientific bases, to students attracted by research in the field of mechanics through various types of interactions: multiscale analysis, multiphysics coupling, fluid/particles/structure interaction, multiphase flows, active matter, waves, metamaterials, additive manufacturing, biomechanics, computational mechanics.
  • Acquire a high level knowledge of the scientific basis in fundamental and applied mechanics (theoretical, experimental, computational)
  • Get a broad comprehension of mechanics and its interaction with other scientific fields
  • Specialize in a variety of fields related to mechanics and interactions, to be chosen among the rich offer of IP Paris.
  • Integrate into the world of research by spending time within the research Labs, conducting a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, writing a research report and preparing a first manuscript for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.

The pathway « Vibrations, waves and acoustics » includes advanced scientific topics in a variety of fields related to non-destructive testing, geophysics, vibroacoustics, aeroacoustics or electroacoustics. Emphasis is made on multi-disciplinary skills useful in many applications, such as multiphysics couplings, signal processing, identification, optimization, experimental and numerical techniques.

Objectives of pathway #2

  • Provide a coherent training program, based on solid scientific bases, to students attracted by research in the field of mechanics
  • Specialize in a variety of fields related to Mechanics, such as non destructive testing, geophysical prospecting, structural acoustics and nonlinear vibrations, electroacoustics and active materials, aeroacoustics and fluid-structure interaction, energy, transportation or entertainment, to be chosen among the rich offer of IP Paris.
  • Integrate into the world of research by spending time within the research Labs, conducting a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, writing a research report and preparing a first manuscript for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.

The five-year curriculum of the PhD track trains students in cutting-edge research for them to pursue international careers in prestigious universities or leading companies in their domain.

The first two years of the PhD track are based on the Mechanics Master year 1 and year 2 at Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Every year, the program of every student has to be discussed and validated by his/her tutor, who is a member of the IP Paris faculty. According to the student’s specialization wishes, the course program will be individualized as much as possible.

For pathway #1, the courses can be chosen within the master of mechanics and combined with courses in other master programs (energy, physics, biology, chemistry, applied maths).

An introductory research project is proposed during the first year and the second year.

Long run research projects are proposed at the end of the first year and of the second year.

Students have the opportunity to visit international partner universities. 

Admission requirements

Academic prerequisites

Completion of a Bachelor of science, with highest honors, at Institut Polytechnique de Paris or equivalent in France or abroad.

Evidence of research potential is essential as the main goal of such a PhD program is to train first class researchers.

Students who have completed the first year of an equivalent program may exceptionally be directly admitted to the second year (4-year PhD program).

Language prerequisites

A certificate of proficiency in English (level B2) is required (TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL), except for native speakers and students who previously studied in English.

How to apply

Applications are exclusively online. You will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Transcript 
  • Two academic references (added online directly by your referees)  
  • CV/resume 
  • Statement of purpose

You will receive an answer in your candidate space within 2 months following the closing date of the application session. 

Fees and scholarships 

Registration fees are available here

Find out more about scholarships

Please note that fees and scholarships may change for the following year.

Applications and admission dates

Mechanics and interactions coordinators

Manas Upadhyay

Christophe Josserand

Vibrations, waves and acoustics coordinators

Manas Upadhyay

Christophe Josserand

General enquiry


Mechanics is a basic science allowing us to face the current challenges of our society such as energy, smart materials and systems, health, environment, climate, transportation. It thus bridges the gap between fundamental science and innovative technologies.

This five-year PhD Track aims to train future researchers and engineers capable of responding to new challenges. It starts with a two-year period with advanced courses related to the chosen field of study. Students also participate in research projects carried out by Institut Polytechnique de Paris Laboratories involved in the track and attend high-level seminars. Supervised by experienced researchers, they thus benefit from first-class research experience. At the end of the second year, the students who meet the academic requirements receive a Master Degree. Those who have achieved outstanding results and identified a thesis subject and a supervisor in one of the involved Labs are allowed to start a three-year PhD program.

Students are offered two pathways :

The pathway “Mechanics and Interactions” of the “Institut Polytechnique de Paris” combines advanced academic knowledge in Mechanics together with long term research projects on complex interactions in such fields (fluids, solids, turbulence, waves, metamaterials, etc.). The program is proposed to students with excellent skills in Mechanics and ambition to perform a PhD in the stimulating research environment of the “Institut Polytechnique de Paris”.

Objectives of pathway #1

  • Provide a coherent training program, based on solid scientific bases, to students attracted by research in the field of mechanics through various types of interactions: multiscale analysis, multiphysics coupling, fluid/particles/structure interaction, multiphase flows, active matter, waves, metamaterials, additive manufacturing, biomechanics, computational mechanics.
  • Acquire a high level knowledge of the scientific basis in fundamental and applied mechanics (theoretical, experimental, computational)
  • Get a broad comprehension of mechanics and its interaction with other scientific fields
  • Specialize in a variety of fields related to mechanics and interactions, to be chosen among the rich offer of IP Paris.
  • Integrate into the world of research by spending time within the research Labs, conducting a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, writing a research report and preparing a first manuscript for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.

The pathway « Vibrations, waves and acoustics » includes advanced scientific topics in a variety of fields related to non-destructive testing, geophysics, vibroacoustics, aeroacoustics or electroacoustics. Emphasis is made on multi-disciplinary skills useful in many applications, such as multiphysics couplings, signal processing, identification, optimization, experimental and numerical techniques.

Objectives of pathway #2

  • Provide a coherent training program, based on solid scientific bases, to students attracted by research in the field of mechanics
  • Specialize in a variety of fields related to Mechanics, such as non destructive testing, geophysical prospecting, structural acoustics and nonlinear vibrations, electroacoustics and active materials, aeroacoustics and fluid-structure interaction, energy, transportation or entertainment, to be chosen among the rich offer of IP Paris.
  • Integrate into the world of research by spending time within the research Labs, conducting a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, writing a research report and preparing a first manuscript for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.

The five-year curriculum of the PhD track trains students in cutting-edge research for them to pursue international careers in prestigious universities or leading companies in their domain.

The first two years of the PhD track are based on the Mechanics Master year 1 and year 2 at Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Every year, the program of every student has to be discussed and validated by his/her tutor, who is a member of the IP Paris faculty. According to the student’s specialization wishes, the course program will be individualized as much as possible.

For pathway #1, the courses can be chosen within the master of mechanics and combined with courses in other master programs (energy, physics, biology, chemistry, applied maths).

An introductory research project is proposed during the first year and the second year.

Long run research projects are proposed at the end of the first year and of the second year.

Students have the opportunity to visit international partner universities. 

Admission requirements

Academic prerequisites

Completion of a Bachelor of science, with highest honors, at Institut Polytechnique de Paris or equivalent in France or abroad.

Evidence of research potential is essential as the main goal of such a PhD program is to train first class researchers.

Students who have completed the first year of an equivalent program may exceptionally be directly admitted to the second year (4-year PhD program).

Language prerequisites

A certificate of proficiency in English (level B2) is required (TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL), except for native speakers and students who previously studied in English.

How to apply

Applications are exclusively online. You will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Transcript 
  • Two academic references (added online directly by your referees)  
  • CV/resume 
  • Statement of purpose

You will receive an answer in your candidate space within 2 months following the closing date of the application session. 

Fees and scholarships 

Registration fees are available here

Find out more about scholarships

Please note that fees and scholarships may change for the following year.

Applications and admission dates

Mechanics and interactions coordinators

Manas Upadhyay

Christophe Josserand

Vibrations, waves and acoustics coordinators

Manas Upadhyay

Christophe Josserand

General enquiry