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BME Pedagogical Seed Grants Program

BME Pedagogical Seed Grants Program

The Enginneering for Health (E4H) interdisciplinary Center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) is announcing a call for Pedagogical Seed Grants in support of IP Paris professors and researchers working in the Biomedical Engineering (BME) field. The award, financed by the EUR Bertip, will contribute to develop innovative pedagogical approaches and teaching practices.

Eligibility and award details

The call is open to all IP Paris faculty working in the BME field (broadly defined). Up to € 20,000 can be requested.

The eligible expenses are as follows:

  • Laboratory costs (supplies, documentation and digital resources, small materials including equipment with a unit value less than or equal to € 4,000 excluding tax, consumables, etc.) directly linked to training actions,
  • Educational expenses (documentation, digital resources, small materials including equipment with a unit value equal to or less than € 4,000 excluding tax),
  • Costs related to the deployment of the project through campus life actions, student services, communication actions,
  • Expenses relating to the maintenance of equipment for carrying out the project,
  • Specific aid for students according to the needs of the project, including aid for outgoing and incoming international mobility,
  • Travel costs for permanent or temporary staff assigned to the project,
  • Services

All expenditures must be made by 30 June 2025

Application procedure and timeline

Applicants should fill the online form available via the link below.

> Submit your application here

Application deadline:
Sunday May 12, 2024, by 11:59 pm CET (Central European Time)

Late applications will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant. Projects that do not comply with the instructions may be penalized. 

Funding decisions are expected in late June 2024.

Evaluation Procedure and Selection Criteria

Evaluation and award decisions will be made by the steering committee of the BME program.

The exact amount awarded depend on the needs stated in the application. The awardees will be expected to provide a final technical and financial report upon completion of the project.

For further information, please contact